Sunday, November 29, 2015
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Black Friday Deal: Champion Generator
Amazon is having a good Black Friday deal on the Champion Power Equipment Model 46596, 4,000 Watt Portable Gas Generator, currently going for $335.77, down 35% from their list price of $520.
I’ll check tomorrow again
and let you know if something else interesting comes up for Black Friday.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
What To Do During a Terrorist Attack?

The UK government has a pretty basic but overall correct guideline for terrorist threats which consists of RUN, HIDE, TELL. It can of course be complemented with defensive skills, a carry weapon and a well selected EDC kit, which could be life saving. Still, sound advice:
- Escape if you can
- Consider the safest options
- Is there a safe route? RUN. If not, HIDE
- Can you get there without exposing yourself to greater danger?
- Insist others leave with you
- Leave belongings behind
- If you can't RUN, HIDE
- If you can see the attacker, they may be able to see you
- Find cover from gunfire such as substantial brickwork or heavy reinforced walls
- Be aware of your exits
- Try not to get trapped
- Be quiet, silence your phone
- Lock and barricade yourself in
- Move away from the door
- Call 911: What do the police need to know?
- Location: Where are the suspects?
- Direction: Where did you last see the suspects?
- Descriptions: Describe the attacker, numbers, features, clothing, weapons
- Provide further information: Casualties, type of injury, building information, entrances, exits, hostages
- And stop other people entering the building if it is safe to do so
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”.
disaster preparedness,
Monday, November 23, 2015
There's Hope for Argentina!
I barely dared to hope. Just barely. I had seen so many times my beloved country go down the toilet during elections, consumed by corruption, ignorance and populist ideology.
Yesterday something changed in Argentina. Mauricio Macri is now president of Argentina. Macri is the product of the 2001 crisis, starting his political party in 2003 and winning the mayoral elections of the City of Buenos Aires in 2007 where he did a great job. He ran the government of the city of Buenos Aires with professionalism, free of favouritism and corruption with clear goals for the city which he mostly achieved. Mauricio Macri can be described as a center-right conservative, known for building skilled teams around him and solving problems in a methodical way, probably due to his background in civil engineering.
As great as this is, the damage done to Argentina is still considerable an years, maybe a decade or more will pass before it becomes a nation with standards of living similar to the ones found in developed nations. The horrible crime problem, even the corruption and economic instability, you don’t get rid of those overnight. Macri knows a thing or two about being a victim of crime. He spent 13 days in a hole, kidnapped himself.
Still, its great news. There’s hope, and now there’s a president that will work towards fixing things rather than filling his own pockets. A president we can finally be proud of...that is, until he starts dancing…
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”.
Argentine Collapse
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Terrorism and Gun vs Knives
Three men who stopped a terrorist attack in a train in France
This BBC report gives the details where a couple of Frenchmen and three Americans stopped a shooter on a train in France.
According to the BBC at :
A couple of Frenchmen first encountered the shooter and tried to stop the guy, and one of them was shot, this being just before the Americans became involved. In addition to the shooter having an AK-47: “Mr Molins said the man was also in possession of an automatic pistol, nine cartridge clips, a bottle of petrol and a box-cutter.”
When the Americans reacted, Spencer Stone was the first one to get to the shooter: “"Spencer makes first contact, he tackles the guy, Alek wrestles the gun away from him, and the gunman pulls out a box cutter and slices Spencer a few times.
“Mr. Stone was slashed in the neck and eyebrow with the box-cutter and had a thumb almost sliced off.”
I am sure there are some lessons in this, perhaps one being that just trying to wrestle and choke a bad guy who cannot use his gun is dangerous (including the possibility that they will use some kind of explosive) and that they need to be disabled promptly and not just controlled.
Of course, it was reported that the shooter said he had “found” the guns in a park where he slept, and “He was there just to rob the train.” Wonder why he needed multiple weapons, including the infamous box cutter, if all he wanted to do was rob people?
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Premium Tactical Folder: Zero Tolerance #0630 Emerson Clip Point Knife
It is common knowledge among outdoorsmen that experienced backpackers will tend to carry less gear. I believe the same holds true for the modern survivor. As time goes by we tend to understand what works, what doesn’t and settle for a more minimalistic setup. We also tend to appreciate quality. This is all especially true when it comes EDC, the small everyday carry items we are supposed to have with us daily. In my book, that would be keys, cellphone and wallet, knife, CCW where legal to do so, multitool, flashlight and lighter. A well rounded EDC is essential given that its not only useful for daily, more mundane tasks, but also for more serious emergencies. I am writing this just days after the terrorist attacks in Paris where over a hundred people were killed. Had one of the victims been armed and capable of defending himself, maybe things would have turned out different. It wasn’t that long ago that France saw another terrorist attack, also using an AK carbine, but this time the massacre was avoided thanks to three brave passengers that stopped the attacker.
Titanium is strong, light and durable, great for EDC. Sure, looks pretty good too.
When it comes to using a humble folding knife against a terrorist armed with an AK we have to honestly assess such unfavourable odds. After all, every gun nut will tell you not to bring a knife to a gunfight, right? Well, this gun nut actually tried the old knife vs gun exercise, and I would agree that you don’t want to bring a knife to a gunfight, as long as it’s out of the 0-7 feet range, because at that range and all other factors being equal, the guy with the knife is more likely to win the fight. It would take an extremely well trained and fit shooter to move away backwards or sideways faster than the attacker moving forwards, all while bringing up the muzzle of the gun yet avoiding getting stabbed. When there’s not enough distance, it’s more about hand to hand combat than shooting and you never want to wrestle the guy with the knife. This is why the Tueller Drills puts the minimum engagement range for a defensive shooter against a knife attacker at 21 feet.
Even at very close range, attacking any armed attacker is a last, desperate resort option but I at least would gladly take those odds over certain death.
Zero Tolerance 0630
Hopefully our EDC folder will spend its days opening mail, peeling fruit and occasionally doing some whittling. That’s why Victorinox knives are so popular, they handle 99% of the tasks a pocket knife was really intended for. But then we have that 1%. That 1% is where the “overbuilt” tactical folder comes into play.
My first reaction to the ZT0630 was literally “Oh crap!”. I had just received the knife, changed the pocket clip and slipped it into my left front pocket. I was chatting with my wife as I pulled out the knife, completely caught by surprise by how strongly the blade snapped open. My wife stopped talking “What the hell? What is that?”. “Oh, it’s a knife that opens as you pull it out of the pocket…”. Why is it that men don’t know when to shut up? She went into a rant about how its always something with me, how everything around me cuts (knives), explodes (li-ion batteries) shoots (guns) or shoots ammo that also explodes on impact(shouldn’t have bought those…).
Anyway, I admit that although I knew about the Emerson “Wave Feature”, I didn’t expect it to be so efficient. Its not perfect though. Of course there is a bit of a learning curve and although you learn how to use it with a few deployments, it’s the kind of thing that will take some time until it becomes second nature. The “wave feature” is simply that small hook on the spine of the blade. As you pull the folder from the pocket it catches the fabric of the edge of your pocket and forces the blade open. With a bit of speed it does so strongly enough to fully deply with a loud snap. Ernest Emerson originally designed this feature as a blade guard/catcher, a request from some SEAL team members. It was only in actual use that the feature was discovered by accident.
Excellent Design, Excellent Execution.
Next to Cold Steel Voyager Large Tanto
The ZT0630 is an outstanding knife because it combines an excellent design by Emerson Knives with excellent execution by Zero Tolerance. Emerson knives are quality, well-thought blades intended for tactical use. “Tactical” does not always equate to ideal EDC. A tactical folder may prioritize being light, because an operator has several pounds of other critical gear to carry. The average person has no such concerns. Steels may be softer prioritizing toughness and blade integrity over edge retention. A knife enthusiast may be willing to pay considerably more for a premium steel which is both strong and holds and edge well. Emerson traditionally uses a chisel grind, which is very sharp and easy to sharpen. It is also off center and more suited for utility rather than detail cutting. The ZT0630 uses a traditional saber grind with double bevel. This requires skilled sharpening on both sides of the blade rather than just one side, but the edge is right in the middle and cuts straight. This is the kind of grind you find in some Swedish hard-use Puukko knives.
Emerson uses a liner lock mechanism. These are somewhat controversial in the knife world given that at times they have failed when hitting the spine of the blade or when a moderate amount of lateral pressure is applied. An Emerson knife in proper form should not fail like this. It is designed so as to bend and jam the liner into place if excessive force is applied. The ZT0630 uses a stronger (and heavier) titanium framelock mechanism. For extra durability and toughness, the ZT0630 lock bar has a steel insert where it contacts the blade. After a few decades of hard use your grandkids may have the insert replaced for a new one so as to keep the knife locking tight. All locks fail when enough force is applied, but the ZT0630 is clearly stronger than its Emerson counterparts. The steel insert in the lock bar extends under the titanium scale, working as a stop to prevent the lock bar from overextending. Clever design.
The blade shape is an upswept clip point similar to the CQC-8. The tip is strong, yet acute and capable of penetrating tissue with ease. The long belly is designed to slash well within the limitations of a 3.6 inch blade. The blade steel is S35VN, which is tougher and holds an edge longer than CPM154. Without getting too technical, S35VN is overall considered an improvement over the already excellent S30V. It is easier to sharpen, 25% tougher than S30V and the edge rolls instead of chipping. The frame lock handle is made of titanium with a matte finish. The black scale is made of textured G10, which provides good traction without being too aggressive. Although the wave inevitably deploys the knife, there’s also a thumb disk which for opening the knife the traditional way. I found it to be comfortable and fast.
While Zero Tolerance uses Kershaw Velocity Technology (KTV) in some of their other premium knives, they went for traditional washers with the ZT0630. I'm glad they did. KTV uses small ball bearings in a plastic carrier which makes for a very fast opening, but it simply isnt as strong as traditional washer construction.The knife still opens smoothly and fast and it only gets better after a short break in period.
The handle is comfortable, well suited for medium or large hands although given the flat profile smallish hands should be ok as well. A deep forefinger groove achieves two important objectives: First, it keeps your hand in place and stops it from slipping forward if used forcefully. Second, it wraps the index finger tightly against the lock bar, pushing it deeper and applying more pressure to the locking mechanism the harder your grip it.
Overall the Zero Tolerance #0630 is an outstanding tactical folder and I highly recommend it. I love the design, the materials used and the careful execution.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”.
Friday, November 13, 2015
Terror Attack Rocks Paris Again: At least 40 dead

Happening right know. At least 40 people have been killed in various bomb and firearms attack across Paris and 60 people are believed to be held hostage.
Terror grips Paris
As these events keep happening it is more important than ever to be prepared on a very realistic, very practical sense of the word. Everything comes into play: From what you carry with you so as to defend yourself and your loved ones, how we react when we notice something suspicious, do we listen to our gut instinct or do we pretend not to hear it so as to not look paranoid, down to what you have with you to treat hemorrhage and maybe stop someone from bleeding to death, to where we decide to live and which places we frequent.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Letters from Survivors in Ukraine Part 3
Part III, looking into various messages from people in eastern Ukraine. Again, I’ve gone through the most interesting parts, posted over at
, making some personal comments and remarks. I firmly believe that
real-world events such as these present us with invaluable lessons.
Escaping From Donetsk
Olga Astakhov, Anthropologist, Donetsk
I am not going to discuss all the twists and turns of applying for a permit (to cross the boundary between the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) and the rest of Ukraine) because there is a mass of cases like these already.
People, who submitted documents at the end of January, still have pending applications.
Not too long ago, my friend's cousin, living in Zaporizhia, ended up in the hospital. Of course it is hard to leave Donetsk without a permit, that's why she first travelled to Russia and from there went to Zaporizhia in Ukraine.
FerFAL comment: This reminds me, get your passport NOW. Even if you don’t plan on traveling, its essential preparedness documentation. For those that are thinking right now “oh, Ferfal, but I don’t PLAN on going anywhere when SHTF…” to those that are thinking that, just stop it right now. The nature of serious disasters dictate that things don’t go according to your own personal plans and preferences, improvising is what its all about, trying to be ready for the unexpected. Those things “you never thought you’d do”, those are the ones that catch people completely unprepared. More on “I never thought” later. If you can get a second passport, don’t give such a powerful tool up and get one pronto!
Is this logical?
The permit system is permanently in effect on territories of the ATO (Antiterrorist Operation, the Ukrainian military's term for combat operations with separatist forces) zone. Thus, it is impossible to go through the Volnovakha checkpoint without a permit, unless you use dirt roads. These are illegally used to transport credulous passengers for large amounts of money.
FerFAL comment: So many lessons there. Having a vehicle capable of moderate off-roading, having a BOB, having a kit in your vehicle. So often overlooked, having the physical capability of actually walking those distances if needed to cover them on foot.
The same applies to crossing the border between Artemivsk and Horlivka.
If you take the risk of going through the Kurakhov checkpoint, you may get lucky. Some get let through without a problem, nothing is asked of them. It's enough to show a Ukrainian passport.
There are many announcements about the permits in Donetsk: permit registration costs 300-800 hryvnya. Is this a little or a lot for a retired woman, who wants to travel and withdraw her 1,000 hryvnya pension?
FerFAL comment: Cash is king, hoe often have I repeated that commenting in these Ukraine letters alone?
This is how people end up abandoned.
For those who wish to register for a permit in cities and regions under the control of the Ukrainian government, offices were opened to issue the necessary documents. This partially relieved the main coordination centers.
Regarding carriers, there are two sides to this coin. On one side, the permit system significantly complicated and lowered passenger traffic, and thus this affected the income of businesses.
Also many carriers, who work in the controlled and occupied areas of Ukraine, are forced to pay double taxes in order to continue running their business. The taxes are paid to the so-called DNR and Ukraine, which is why resourceful carriers have adapted to the situation.
FerFAL comment: “But sir, its TEOTWAWKI, I’m not supposed to pay for fees and government VAT any more because its WROL.” Its cute sometimes to see how naïve some preppers can be. Its cute but also dangerous folks. WROL is code word for no government, and sadly the government will still be there to make life miserable of. Rule of law doesn’t go away when SHTF, its still there to scew you and never to help you.
"Before we sell a ticket, we check the passenger's permit. It's safer this way. No immigration certificates or Donetsk residency are accepted," says one of the drivers who works in the ATO zone. The age group of passengers has also changed. Before it was mostly youth and pensioners, but now the number of pensioners has decreased and the number of young men has declined even further.
Before they depart, many carriers enquire about the passengers' permits and sell them tickets afterwards – the tickets are sold at different rates. Those who don't have the required permit will have to pay an extra 20-30 percent on top of the regular price. This generally applies to the route between Donetsk and Kyiv.
Travel tariffs are the other factor that affects passengers' expenses. The chaotic exchange rate of the U.S. dollar has had an impact on fuel prices in Donetsk – petrol and gas cost 5-9 hryvnya more than in Ukraine.
This is why the number of trips has been cut down, and passengers spend hours waiting in line to travel out of Donetsk. The price hasn't changed for now, but shuttles in Donetsk and Makiivka no longer accept Ukrainian coins. In front-line cities they only accept amounts up to 1 hryvnya.
In this situation, only one thing is positive – the transportation infrastructure is still trying to survive through the horrible wartime conditions. Some carriers are even helping get people out of dangerous areas for free.
What's In A Name?
A Ukrainian Teacher From Donetsk
'Donbasivtsi' (citizens of Donbas) – this is what some of my students now call themselves.
Adults have come up with other names: Novorossian, or New Russians.
I can't explain why they don't like the more generally accepted name 'Donetchan' (resident of Donetsk), although sometimes they use this word. Maybe, the revolutionary wave that has driven them since last year, demands the creation of everything from scratch, even something so tactless.
The creation of words is generally positive; it mirrors changes in the life of a nation and for that matter, in its spirit.
What can be said about people, referring to themselves with a name originating from a geopolitical region, no bigger than the territory that they occupy?
Psychologists will probably find the teenage complex regarding the extent and signs of delusions of grandeur. Philosophers may point to the characteristics of lazy-spirited people's desire to exaggerate their accomplishments in order to affirm their existence.
The newly created 'Donbasivtsi,' the new citizens of Donetsk, remind me of people who put on colorful contact lenses and will insist that their eyes were always bright emerald.
Dear Donbasivtsi, you can try to convince others of this, and they will probably believe you.
Suck-ups will sing the praises of your "naturally green" eyes; you can even convince yourselves of this. However, you will not be able to change your own nature. I know that your eyes are gray, like your soul. You are gray-eyed and gray-spirited; you betrayed your ancestors and your entire essence of being by tolerating evil.
Now you express many complaints about Ukraine that should instead be addressed to various jurisdictions; but the government is made of people, meaning specific problems need to be resolved with specific people. Why blame your homeland and distance oneself from her?
If history had a sense of humor, she would give you time to develop. In 100 years, you could even become a nation – a nation of traitors. There is but one answer to the question: "Who are Donbasivtsi?" They are former Ukrainians, who denied their people; they are former Russians, who don't know their own customs; they are Tatars, Armenians, and Greeks who forgot who they are.
But history is a fair but tough judge, who won't give such people a chance.
You claim that in general you are doing okay.
Look around, what you refer to as the laws of your new "republic" are just a pathetic lookalike of the regulations of another state. Your freedom with a weapon in your hands prohibits me from referring to my Homeland (and yours) by name and from communicating with her, not letting Ukrainian media in, and basically doing everything possible so that residents don't desert the supervised basements.
FerFAL comment: Censorship, media control, sounds familiar. reminds me of the “Secretary of Strategic Coordination of National Ideology””, created by Cristina Kirchner in Argentina. Since when do we need the government to explain the population how they are supposed to think? Guess we’re now calling that freedom.
Your "prosperity" looks out from underneath empty supermarket shelves, boarded-up windows, closed stores, and half-empty markets. Your salaries resemble sop, just to keep you quiet.
And you -- having surrendered many civil rights, all benefits, allowances, social protections, the opportunity to plan your futures -- are silent. Even you cannot look at the destroyed medical industry -- that is hanging on by a thread thanks to the heroism of everyday doctors and nurses -- or at the disorder in education, closed business or unemployment, through rose-colored glasses. Was this the life you dreamed of?
You say that your purpose right now is survival. What sort of people do you plan to become in order to survive? What sort of people will your children become?
Those who were Ukrainian yesterday (If you've forgotten, look at their birth certificates, and at the same time look at your own passports that read 'Ukrainian citizen' in two languages!) and call themselves 'Donbasivtsi' today because they hear that being Ukrainian is unworthy, either out of your mouths or out of your illegitimate silence?
You say that it hurts you to hear the words 'Ukraine' and 'Ukrainians', because your husbands are dying in a war with Ukraine. But you started it! Did you not realize that the gun that you were holding in your hands could kill?
It's not Ukraine that hurts you; it's your drowsy consciousness attempting to awaken your soul. Wake up!
People queue for free food distributed by pro-Russian rebels near the town of Debaltseve last month.
Debaltseve After The Fall
Nadezdhia, Sociologist, Horlivka
This story is of an acquaintance, who surprisingly left the city recently and managed to get herself to Ukrainian [controlled] territory. The horror came later, when the separatists took over Debaltseve and the flags of the executive committee changed.
I was remaining in Debaltseve until the end, even during the evacuation. It was scary to leave.
The city died. It was razed to the ground, yet I was still trying to find a way to survive in conditions unfit for life. My countrymen are trying to restore their homes after the shelling and they are trying to recover property that remains in the buildings. But that's impossible.
Everything has been looted and destroyed.
People stand in long lines to get humanitarian aid and prepare food under the open sky. Practically all the buildings in the center have been seized by Debaltseve militants, destroyed or damaged. To assess the humanitarian situation, it is enough to look at the gray-with-hunger faces of its residents. There is also nowhere to live. People live in basements, get sick, and die.
There is no medicine. According to my calculations, more than 80 percent of the buildings in Debaltseve were destroyed during the war. The kindergartens and other institutions are closed. They have been promising to reopen the central city hospital since February 25.
There is another hospital by the train station, completely destroyed.
FerFAL Comments: Always the basics folks, dont forget to cover medicine, water, food and shelter. These you will always need!
The city is full of mines; it's dangerous to walk anywhere. There is no electricity. Every day they bring in bread and hot tea and distribute it for free. Under Ukrainian control, we even got canned food, grains and potatoes. For now, we are still getting bread and tea. However they said that something was delivered by the International Red Cross.
My countrymen are living in unsanitary conditions; they are hungry and cold. In Debaltseve the problems don't end with electricity. There is no gas or water. Few people have stayed. Usually no more than 200 city residents wait in lines to receive humanitarian aid. All these people are elderly.
The last weeks before the departure of the Ukrainian army, the attacks did not abate – a number of buildings came under fire. Since the end of January, Debaltseve has been without heating. Since the beginning of February, it has been without light and water.
Around 6,000 or 8,000 people remained in the city. This is around 30 percent of the original population. They mainly sit in their basements because it is cold in their apartments. They prepare food near their driveways on a fire, outside. In addition to this, most of them don't have any money at all, which is why they can't leave the city.
I'll tell you about the basement, that I had to live in. It's dark inside and damp. There is a table with a candle in the middle of the space. Women sit at the table feeding their children.
Before the departure of the Ukrainian Army, the residents of Debaltseve left the city in masses. They fled to Kharkiv in particular. Women with children and the elderly mainly went there, some left with their entire families, men included.
There is no rush to deliver groceries to the territories occupied by the Donetsk People's Republic. Other cities and villages are collecting food for Debaltseve. Other than food, medicine is also vital. The people, who weren't able to leave, now have to wait in long lines just to get water. Very often they collect water directly from puddles on the street. Fortunately the snow has melted. There is risk of intestinal infections.
Everyone who gets the opportunity will probably attempt to leave the city at the soonest possible moment; just like us.
Oleksandra Samoylova, Student, Luhansk
State universities in the occupied territories of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions have come under separatist control. For students, that means changes in everything from class size to curriculum.
Here in the Luhansk People's Republic (LNR), the first lesson on Mondays usually begins with the question, "How are you?" The teachers aren't asking about course work or whether we're prepared for class; they're asking about our domestic life. Is everything OK with our homes and families? Did everything go well on our trips back home?
There are so few students going to lectures these days that teachers have time to pay attention to each individual student. It turns out they're not only capable of reading out loud from a book; they can actually communicate and express human emotions. Only now have I begun to see the human side of my teachers.
The small groups are very interesting. Every student gets maximum attention; everything is explained to them, and all their questions are answered.
At the same time, while communicating with their students, lecturers often slip up and inadvertently talk about politics. Topics can include: dissatisfaction with the Education Ministry, problems with salaries, and working overtime because rising debt has forced them to cut back personnel.
Compared to previous years, studying has gotten easier for me. Now we can spend more time on interesting core subjects, and less on general topics like religious studies. A lot of students elsewhere probably lose interest in their studies because of a lack of financial incentive or scholarships. That seems sort of funny to us now.
Student Life Outside the Classroom
At the start of winter, the university had organized a lot of concerts and events and assigned us to volunteer duties. They did this to create the illusion of a flurry of activity.
The various tasks associated with bringing an Orthodox element to higher education were especially absurd. Talks about the friendship between science and religion were full of cliches. The female heads of various student committees, all blonde atheists tired of the long, boring conversations we were subjected to, lied depressingly about "broad support for useful student initiatives."
But students these days embrace the Orthodox Church about as much as wolves do vegetarianism. At the bus stop near our "temple of science" it's not uncommon to hear conversations like this:
-- How did you celebrate Easter?
-- With three beers!
-- Oh, and I drank wine.
Students are used as "extras" at rallies. This has always been true. But while once there was only a limited range of gatherings, now they call us out for any number of reasons. Once I saw a coordinator of a so-called "initiative group" get into an argument with his teacher. The point is that students are being dragged away from their classes to attend events that even their lecturers haven't been told about.
Incidentally, all the different departments have been forced into new formations due to the low number of teachers. The concepts behind these new "associations" are pretty unique. Translators, for example, are now part of the Philosophy Faculty.
'Liquid' Teachers
In our department there's just one teacher left from the old staff. She's the one person with whom I feel free to openly discuss my views. True, I can see with a kind of horror that if she hadn't persuaded me to enroll, I'd now be considered "on the continent," as they say -- pro-Kyiv, in other words.
Many other teachers flow in and out of the university like water. You don't have time to get your grades or finish a project for one before you have to get used to the personality and questions of another.
The first reason for that is the salary. They get paid only twice in six months. Other reasons include the incredible amount of paperwork (the transition to Russian standards, translating documentation), problems with co-workers, or dim prospects for certain subjects -- particularly for those specializing in Ukrainian history or Ukrainian language and literature.
The Price Of A Russian Diploma
Almost every day students ask their teachers for guarantees that they'll receive Russian diplomas. No one is talking about "local" diplomas from the Luhansk People's Republic.
But we worry that's what they're going to give us, although they're of no use to anyone. Even the rare ardent fans of the "blue, blue, and red" -- as the separatist flag is known -- say they're "out of here" if there aren't going to be any Russian diplomas.
They've apparently already received Russian diplomas in some universities around here. I haven't seen photographic proof. There are different ways of getting them -- you can defend your degree there in Russia, or from here by Skype. Some people get sent elsewhere to take their exams.
The teachers say that everyone will get their degrees. But how much value will these diplomas have, if.... students are studying unsystematically: gunfire and explosions can prevent them from going to class. A majority of those enrolled this year can't call themselves university students without embarrassment. Many of the upperclassmen have come up with their own individual schedule for finishing their course work and are located in different countries. Studies are the last thing they're thinking about.
It's a complicated question: for what accomplishments, and according to what criteria, is our generation of students going to receive its diplomas?
I hope that the labor market will dump us in the service-industry niche of Slavic fast food -- or whatever they're planning to build instead of McDonald's -- and that no catastrophes will ensue.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”.
Escaping From Donetsk
Olga Astakhov, Anthropologist, Donetsk
I am not going to discuss all the twists and turns of applying for a permit (to cross the boundary between the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) and the rest of Ukraine) because there is a mass of cases like these already.
People, who submitted documents at the end of January, still have pending applications.
Not too long ago, my friend's cousin, living in Zaporizhia, ended up in the hospital. Of course it is hard to leave Donetsk without a permit, that's why she first travelled to Russia and from there went to Zaporizhia in Ukraine.
FerFAL comment: This reminds me, get your passport NOW. Even if you don’t plan on traveling, its essential preparedness documentation. For those that are thinking right now “oh, Ferfal, but I don’t PLAN on going anywhere when SHTF…” to those that are thinking that, just stop it right now. The nature of serious disasters dictate that things don’t go according to your own personal plans and preferences, improvising is what its all about, trying to be ready for the unexpected. Those things “you never thought you’d do”, those are the ones that catch people completely unprepared. More on “I never thought” later. If you can get a second passport, don’t give such a powerful tool up and get one pronto!
Is this logical?
The permit system is permanently in effect on territories of the ATO (Antiterrorist Operation, the Ukrainian military's term for combat operations with separatist forces) zone. Thus, it is impossible to go through the Volnovakha checkpoint without a permit, unless you use dirt roads. These are illegally used to transport credulous passengers for large amounts of money.
FerFAL comment: So many lessons there. Having a vehicle capable of moderate off-roading, having a BOB, having a kit in your vehicle. So often overlooked, having the physical capability of actually walking those distances if needed to cover them on foot.
The same applies to crossing the border between Artemivsk and Horlivka.
If you take the risk of going through the Kurakhov checkpoint, you may get lucky. Some get let through without a problem, nothing is asked of them. It's enough to show a Ukrainian passport.
There are many announcements about the permits in Donetsk: permit registration costs 300-800 hryvnya. Is this a little or a lot for a retired woman, who wants to travel and withdraw her 1,000 hryvnya pension?
FerFAL comment: Cash is king, hoe often have I repeated that commenting in these Ukraine letters alone?
This is how people end up abandoned.
For those who wish to register for a permit in cities and regions under the control of the Ukrainian government, offices were opened to issue the necessary documents. This partially relieved the main coordination centers.
Regarding carriers, there are two sides to this coin. On one side, the permit system significantly complicated and lowered passenger traffic, and thus this affected the income of businesses.
Also many carriers, who work in the controlled and occupied areas of Ukraine, are forced to pay double taxes in order to continue running their business. The taxes are paid to the so-called DNR and Ukraine, which is why resourceful carriers have adapted to the situation.
FerFAL comment: “But sir, its TEOTWAWKI, I’m not supposed to pay for fees and government VAT any more because its WROL.” Its cute sometimes to see how naïve some preppers can be. Its cute but also dangerous folks. WROL is code word for no government, and sadly the government will still be there to make life miserable of. Rule of law doesn’t go away when SHTF, its still there to scew you and never to help you.
"Before we sell a ticket, we check the passenger's permit. It's safer this way. No immigration certificates or Donetsk residency are accepted," says one of the drivers who works in the ATO zone. The age group of passengers has also changed. Before it was mostly youth and pensioners, but now the number of pensioners has decreased and the number of young men has declined even further.
Before they depart, many carriers enquire about the passengers' permits and sell them tickets afterwards – the tickets are sold at different rates. Those who don't have the required permit will have to pay an extra 20-30 percent on top of the regular price. This generally applies to the route between Donetsk and Kyiv.
Travel tariffs are the other factor that affects passengers' expenses. The chaotic exchange rate of the U.S. dollar has had an impact on fuel prices in Donetsk – petrol and gas cost 5-9 hryvnya more than in Ukraine.
This is why the number of trips has been cut down, and passengers spend hours waiting in line to travel out of Donetsk. The price hasn't changed for now, but shuttles in Donetsk and Makiivka no longer accept Ukrainian coins. In front-line cities they only accept amounts up to 1 hryvnya.
In this situation, only one thing is positive – the transportation infrastructure is still trying to survive through the horrible wartime conditions. Some carriers are even helping get people out of dangerous areas for free.
What's In A Name?
A Ukrainian Teacher From Donetsk
'Donbasivtsi' (citizens of Donbas) – this is what some of my students now call themselves.
Adults have come up with other names: Novorossian, or New Russians.
I can't explain why they don't like the more generally accepted name 'Donetchan' (resident of Donetsk), although sometimes they use this word. Maybe, the revolutionary wave that has driven them since last year, demands the creation of everything from scratch, even something so tactless.
The creation of words is generally positive; it mirrors changes in the life of a nation and for that matter, in its spirit.
What can be said about people, referring to themselves with a name originating from a geopolitical region, no bigger than the territory that they occupy?
Psychologists will probably find the teenage complex regarding the extent and signs of delusions of grandeur. Philosophers may point to the characteristics of lazy-spirited people's desire to exaggerate their accomplishments in order to affirm their existence.
The newly created 'Donbasivtsi,' the new citizens of Donetsk, remind me of people who put on colorful contact lenses and will insist that their eyes were always bright emerald.
Dear Donbasivtsi, you can try to convince others of this, and they will probably believe you.
Suck-ups will sing the praises of your "naturally green" eyes; you can even convince yourselves of this. However, you will not be able to change your own nature. I know that your eyes are gray, like your soul. You are gray-eyed and gray-spirited; you betrayed your ancestors and your entire essence of being by tolerating evil.
Now you express many complaints about Ukraine that should instead be addressed to various jurisdictions; but the government is made of people, meaning specific problems need to be resolved with specific people. Why blame your homeland and distance oneself from her?
If history had a sense of humor, she would give you time to develop. In 100 years, you could even become a nation – a nation of traitors. There is but one answer to the question: "Who are Donbasivtsi?" They are former Ukrainians, who denied their people; they are former Russians, who don't know their own customs; they are Tatars, Armenians, and Greeks who forgot who they are.
But history is a fair but tough judge, who won't give such people a chance.
You claim that in general you are doing okay.
Look around, what you refer to as the laws of your new "republic" are just a pathetic lookalike of the regulations of another state. Your freedom with a weapon in your hands prohibits me from referring to my Homeland (and yours) by name and from communicating with her, not letting Ukrainian media in, and basically doing everything possible so that residents don't desert the supervised basements.
FerFAL comment: Censorship, media control, sounds familiar. reminds me of the “Secretary of Strategic Coordination of National Ideology””, created by Cristina Kirchner in Argentina. Since when do we need the government to explain the population how they are supposed to think? Guess we’re now calling that freedom.
Your "prosperity" looks out from underneath empty supermarket shelves, boarded-up windows, closed stores, and half-empty markets. Your salaries resemble sop, just to keep you quiet.
And you -- having surrendered many civil rights, all benefits, allowances, social protections, the opportunity to plan your futures -- are silent. Even you cannot look at the destroyed medical industry -- that is hanging on by a thread thanks to the heroism of everyday doctors and nurses -- or at the disorder in education, closed business or unemployment, through rose-colored glasses. Was this the life you dreamed of?
You say that your purpose right now is survival. What sort of people do you plan to become in order to survive? What sort of people will your children become?
Those who were Ukrainian yesterday (If you've forgotten, look at their birth certificates, and at the same time look at your own passports that read 'Ukrainian citizen' in two languages!) and call themselves 'Donbasivtsi' today because they hear that being Ukrainian is unworthy, either out of your mouths or out of your illegitimate silence?
You say that it hurts you to hear the words 'Ukraine' and 'Ukrainians', because your husbands are dying in a war with Ukraine. But you started it! Did you not realize that the gun that you were holding in your hands could kill?
It's not Ukraine that hurts you; it's your drowsy consciousness attempting to awaken your soul. Wake up!
People queue for free food distributed by pro-Russian rebels near the town of Debaltseve last month.
Debaltseve After The Fall
Nadezdhia, Sociologist, Horlivka
This story is of an acquaintance, who surprisingly left the city recently and managed to get herself to Ukrainian [controlled] territory. The horror came later, when the separatists took over Debaltseve and the flags of the executive committee changed.
I was remaining in Debaltseve until the end, even during the evacuation. It was scary to leave.
The city died. It was razed to the ground, yet I was still trying to find a way to survive in conditions unfit for life. My countrymen are trying to restore their homes after the shelling and they are trying to recover property that remains in the buildings. But that's impossible.
Everything has been looted and destroyed.
People stand in long lines to get humanitarian aid and prepare food under the open sky. Practically all the buildings in the center have been seized by Debaltseve militants, destroyed or damaged. To assess the humanitarian situation, it is enough to look at the gray-with-hunger faces of its residents. There is also nowhere to live. People live in basements, get sick, and die.
There is no medicine. According to my calculations, more than 80 percent of the buildings in Debaltseve were destroyed during the war. The kindergartens and other institutions are closed. They have been promising to reopen the central city hospital since February 25.
There is another hospital by the train station, completely destroyed.
FerFAL Comments: Always the basics folks, dont forget to cover medicine, water, food and shelter. These you will always need!
The city is full of mines; it's dangerous to walk anywhere. There is no electricity. Every day they bring in bread and hot tea and distribute it for free. Under Ukrainian control, we even got canned food, grains and potatoes. For now, we are still getting bread and tea. However they said that something was delivered by the International Red Cross.
My countrymen are living in unsanitary conditions; they are hungry and cold. In Debaltseve the problems don't end with electricity. There is no gas or water. Few people have stayed. Usually no more than 200 city residents wait in lines to receive humanitarian aid. All these people are elderly.
The last weeks before the departure of the Ukrainian army, the attacks did not abate – a number of buildings came under fire. Since the end of January, Debaltseve has been without heating. Since the beginning of February, it has been without light and water.
Around 6,000 or 8,000 people remained in the city. This is around 30 percent of the original population. They mainly sit in their basements because it is cold in their apartments. They prepare food near their driveways on a fire, outside. In addition to this, most of them don't have any money at all, which is why they can't leave the city.
I'll tell you about the basement, that I had to live in. It's dark inside and damp. There is a table with a candle in the middle of the space. Women sit at the table feeding their children.
Before the departure of the Ukrainian Army, the residents of Debaltseve left the city in masses. They fled to Kharkiv in particular. Women with children and the elderly mainly went there, some left with their entire families, men included.
There is no rush to deliver groceries to the territories occupied by the Donetsk People's Republic. Other cities and villages are collecting food for Debaltseve. Other than food, medicine is also vital. The people, who weren't able to leave, now have to wait in long lines just to get water. Very often they collect water directly from puddles on the street. Fortunately the snow has melted. There is risk of intestinal infections.
Everyone who gets the opportunity will probably attempt to leave the city at the soonest possible moment; just like us.
Oleksandra Samoylova, Student, Luhansk
State universities in the occupied territories of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions have come under separatist control. For students, that means changes in everything from class size to curriculum.
Here in the Luhansk People's Republic (LNR), the first lesson on Mondays usually begins with the question, "How are you?" The teachers aren't asking about course work or whether we're prepared for class; they're asking about our domestic life. Is everything OK with our homes and families? Did everything go well on our trips back home?
There are so few students going to lectures these days that teachers have time to pay attention to each individual student. It turns out they're not only capable of reading out loud from a book; they can actually communicate and express human emotions. Only now have I begun to see the human side of my teachers.
The small groups are very interesting. Every student gets maximum attention; everything is explained to them, and all their questions are answered.
At the same time, while communicating with their students, lecturers often slip up and inadvertently talk about politics. Topics can include: dissatisfaction with the Education Ministry, problems with salaries, and working overtime because rising debt has forced them to cut back personnel.
Compared to previous years, studying has gotten easier for me. Now we can spend more time on interesting core subjects, and less on general topics like religious studies. A lot of students elsewhere probably lose interest in their studies because of a lack of financial incentive or scholarships. That seems sort of funny to us now.
Student Life Outside the Classroom
At the start of winter, the university had organized a lot of concerts and events and assigned us to volunteer duties. They did this to create the illusion of a flurry of activity.
The various tasks associated with bringing an Orthodox element to higher education were especially absurd. Talks about the friendship between science and religion were full of cliches. The female heads of various student committees, all blonde atheists tired of the long, boring conversations we were subjected to, lied depressingly about "broad support for useful student initiatives."
But students these days embrace the Orthodox Church about as much as wolves do vegetarianism. At the bus stop near our "temple of science" it's not uncommon to hear conversations like this:
-- How did you celebrate Easter?
-- With three beers!
-- Oh, and I drank wine.
Students are used as "extras" at rallies. This has always been true. But while once there was only a limited range of gatherings, now they call us out for any number of reasons. Once I saw a coordinator of a so-called "initiative group" get into an argument with his teacher. The point is that students are being dragged away from their classes to attend events that even their lecturers haven't been told about.
Incidentally, all the different departments have been forced into new formations due to the low number of teachers. The concepts behind these new "associations" are pretty unique. Translators, for example, are now part of the Philosophy Faculty.
'Liquid' Teachers
In our department there's just one teacher left from the old staff. She's the one person with whom I feel free to openly discuss my views. True, I can see with a kind of horror that if she hadn't persuaded me to enroll, I'd now be considered "on the continent," as they say -- pro-Kyiv, in other words.
Many other teachers flow in and out of the university like water. You don't have time to get your grades or finish a project for one before you have to get used to the personality and questions of another.
The first reason for that is the salary. They get paid only twice in six months. Other reasons include the incredible amount of paperwork (the transition to Russian standards, translating documentation), problems with co-workers, or dim prospects for certain subjects -- particularly for those specializing in Ukrainian history or Ukrainian language and literature.
The Price Of A Russian Diploma
Almost every day students ask their teachers for guarantees that they'll receive Russian diplomas. No one is talking about "local" diplomas from the Luhansk People's Republic.
But we worry that's what they're going to give us, although they're of no use to anyone. Even the rare ardent fans of the "blue, blue, and red" -- as the separatist flag is known -- say they're "out of here" if there aren't going to be any Russian diplomas.
They've apparently already received Russian diplomas in some universities around here. I haven't seen photographic proof. There are different ways of getting them -- you can defend your degree there in Russia, or from here by Skype. Some people get sent elsewhere to take their exams.
The teachers say that everyone will get their degrees. But how much value will these diplomas have, if.... students are studying unsystematically: gunfire and explosions can prevent them from going to class. A majority of those enrolled this year can't call themselves university students without embarrassment. Many of the upperclassmen have come up with their own individual schedule for finishing their course work and are located in different countries. Studies are the last thing they're thinking about.
It's a complicated question: for what accomplishments, and according to what criteria, is our generation of students going to receive its diplomas?
I hope that the labor market will dump us in the service-industry niche of Slavic fast food -- or whatever they're planning to build instead of McDonald's -- and that no catastrophes will ensue.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”.
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