Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Monday, March 25, 2019
Terrorism Wins in New Zealand

New Zealand Primer Minister Jacinda Ardern
New Zealand Primer Minister and President of the International Union of Socialist Youth Ms. Jacinda Ardern made sure to deliver within days on the demands made by the terrorist in his manifesto: Ban guns for law abiding citizens, leaving them unarmed to defend themselves, their families and their country.
A brave leader would have stood strong and not cave to the demands of a terrorist, refuse to let a madman dictate the law of the land and how law abiding people should live their lives. But Jacinda Ardern is a proud socialist and we all know what that means: “Socialists gonna socialist”.
Jacinda Ardern is so drunk with power, even the terrorist manifesto itself got banned and anyone caught with it faces up to 14 years behind bars. But hey, who cares about silly things such as censorship and freedom of press? Its interesting to see how she banned the paper that explained the man’s actions and the intended results, and how he got exactly what he wanted. This kind of censorship goes beyond anything most in the Left dare to in the western civilized world and goes right into the kind of thing seen in dictatorships like North Korea.
New Zealand has two anthems, "God Defend New Zealand" and "God Save the Queen".
God will indeed have to defend NZ because its population clearly wont. Certainly not now that they are being disarmed like medieval age peasants.
As for the queen, she’ll do just fine. She has guards armed with real assault rifles and she sure as hell wont give those up.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
10 years of Modern Survivalism: Skills, Preparations and Lessons learned
Hi FerFAL,
It has been a long time since I have written to you but I have been following your blog all this while. In fact, it has been 10 years since I started reading your blog. (I have read and reread both your books too.) Seeing that you have been writing various posts about 10 years after XYZ or ABC event, I find it apt to send this update to you. This write-up also serves as a self-assessment of my preps.
In 2009, your blog and first book really opened my eyes to the world of survivalism. Before that, I was fascinated with wilderness survival and survival for an NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) event. But your first book presented chillingly realistic aspects of modern survival which I have never thought of. I found major gaps in my preparedness efforts. Your book henceforth became a blueprint for my preparedness strategy which includes changes in my mindset, acquisition of certain vital skills and procurement of relevant gear and stuff.
In no particular order, I list down below 10 aspects (in following the theme of 10 years) of my preparations and my thoughts about them.
I hope this mail has not been too long. I am sure I have missed out other aspects of my preparedness journey. Nonetheless, the above are what come to mind and probably for the good reason that they are close to my heart.
Thanks for reading.
Hello Ken. Your email wasn’t too long, at all. I very much enjoyed it, thank you.
I’m glad you enjoyed my books, “The Modern Survival Manual” and “Bugging Out and Relocating”.
It just makes my day when I read about having a positive impact on people’s lives. Its’ very humbling and gratifying at the same time.
You touch on various key topics. I believe you’ve got modern survivalism pretty well covered. As you so eloquently explain, both time and money are limited resources and we can only do so much. Of course we would all want to be national shooting champions, have military experience, have police experience, have experience in the medical field, be UFC champions in our weight class and while at it why not ask to be rich, have a great family and plenty of spare time to actually enjoy life.
We only have so much time and we always end up compromising to a great degree. I believe that you’ve acquired a pretty balanced set of skills that most definitely gives you an advantage for when things get complicated in life.
You’re right about shooting being a pretty expensive sport. For anyone new to guns reading it, my advice to save money is to keep things simple. A Glock 17 and spare mags. Don’t waste time and money “plinking”. I wasted many days and thousands of USD just punching holes into paper and not actually learning. I know it sounds counterintuitive but the best thing to do to save money is sign up to a good defensive shooting class and stick to practicing what you learn there. That’s far better than shooting 50 rounds any given weekend for years, never learning anything.
As for precious metals, it sure isnt a priority but it does make sense and it can also be a lot of fun to learn about them. Most countries had silver coins in circulation at some point and that is your “de facto” junk silver. Shopping around you’re likely to find a few around for little over spot price. Personally, I like doing the research, learn about different coins, their value and history.
Also regarding politics and the media, I do believe they have an important role in our life and it can affect us for better or worse. I try to be balanced and objective. Cant say I trust most politicians in general and when it comes to the media I read both left and right outlets so as to get both sides. I also look into who owns each given media outlet. Its usually there that you see the agenda they follow.
The only thing I would add to your list would be family and friends. Socializing and networking with people. I make the effort to “work” on being a good husband and a good dad. Also try to make friends when I can. Being social, the relationship with our families, these are key not just for survival but for our quality of life and you need dedication to make it work. Same thing when it comes to friends and networking. The people you know and contacts you have are essential, not just for SHTF but also for doing well in normal times as well.
Anyway, thank you for your email and for sharing your experiences.
Kind regards,
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”
It has been a long time since I have written to you but I have been following your blog all this while. In fact, it has been 10 years since I started reading your blog. (I have read and reread both your books too.) Seeing that you have been writing various posts about 10 years after XYZ or ABC event, I find it apt to send this update to you. This write-up also serves as a self-assessment of my preps.
In 2009, your blog and first book really opened my eyes to the world of survivalism. Before that, I was fascinated with wilderness survival and survival for an NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) event. But your first book presented chillingly realistic aspects of modern survival which I have never thought of. I found major gaps in my preparedness efforts. Your book henceforth became a blueprint for my preparedness strategy which includes changes in my mindset, acquisition of certain vital skills and procurement of relevant gear and stuff.
In no particular order, I list down below 10 aspects (in following the theme of 10 years) of my preparations and my thoughts about them.
- Shooting
I researched and tried out shooting at the one and only civilian range in this country. I later joined as a full member and have since been working on shooting with a Glock 17 based on your recommendation. Shooting is not cheap here. Membership fees, range fees, ammo prices make shooting a rich man’s sport though I try to maintain and upgrade my skills as much as I can afford but not as much as I wish. - Hand-to-hand
Your advice is the prime motivator for me to lift up my butt and train in martial arts. I have trained in Muay Thai for years now and done some MMA along the way. I wish I could have taken up BJJ but time and money are always constraints. - First Aid
I have been going for first aid training long before reading your work. But you have drilled into me the importance of this skill and now I make it a point to keep myself trained and adopt the mindset to be prepared to use these skills anytime. I would like to upgrade myself by joining an ambulance crew but so far have yet to sign up. - Fitness
Since I left the army (we have conscription here), exercise has always been a regular activity but it was upon taking up a martial art that I have become more systematic in it. I have also enlarged my coverage to include certain previously neglected aspects e.g. flexibility, plyometrics. - Food
I have yet to reach a stockpile of 2 months and am unsure I ever will since space is a premium here. I put my estimate at 2-3 weeks of supply currently in stock. Not ideal but much better than many others with only a couple days’ supply. - Water
I have stored enough real water for a week or so. Not as much as I would like but again, space is a premium and water REALLY takes up space. I also got a Doulton gravity filter (similar to a Big Berkey) in case water is available but not in a clean state. - EDC
I have experimented quite a bit here based on your recommendations. The setup is more or less stabilised now or at least until something significantly more effective comes along (probably recommended by you). I suppose the gear can always change but the mindset is more or less fixed and this is what counts. Concepts like 3 is 2, 2 is 1, 1 is none; a piece of gear should serve more than 1 purpose are now ingrained. - Money
“Cash is king” has become a mantra. I make sure there is always a bit of cash around. I am certain that despite being fiat money, it can keep me running when banks are closed and credit/debit is down. The same show played in Argentina can surely happen here too. Precious metals are a bit out of reach financially but I am sure they will be a good asset to keep. - Security
This could be my blind spot and is something I want to continually work on. I agree with your security recommendations but being a relatively safe country here, complacency has a bad habit of creeping in. And it only takes a single moment of complacency to lead to a regrettable outcome – something I definitely want to avoid. - Politics and media
These are issues overlooked by many survivalists. Yet, they potentially have the greatest impact on our way of life. I have since scrutinised both more critically or even cynically. No longer can both be trusted at surface value. - Relocation
I know I have gone on to 11 points but relocation is an option that I have become more open to. I totally agree that sometimes, the only way to survive is to relocate. Getting a second passport, planning for a location (or two) to run to, opening an offshore bank account are important to a survivalist. Though I must admit that I have yet to accomplish many of the above tasks, they are continually on my radar.
I hope this mail has not been too long. I am sure I have missed out other aspects of my preparedness journey. Nonetheless, the above are what come to mind and probably for the good reason that they are close to my heart.
Thanks for reading.
Hello Ken. Your email wasn’t too long, at all. I very much enjoyed it, thank you.
I’m glad you enjoyed my books, “The Modern Survival Manual” and “Bugging Out and Relocating”.
It just makes my day when I read about having a positive impact on people’s lives. Its’ very humbling and gratifying at the same time.
You touch on various key topics. I believe you’ve got modern survivalism pretty well covered. As you so eloquently explain, both time and money are limited resources and we can only do so much. Of course we would all want to be national shooting champions, have military experience, have police experience, have experience in the medical field, be UFC champions in our weight class and while at it why not ask to be rich, have a great family and plenty of spare time to actually enjoy life.
We only have so much time and we always end up compromising to a great degree. I believe that you’ve acquired a pretty balanced set of skills that most definitely gives you an advantage for when things get complicated in life.
You’re right about shooting being a pretty expensive sport. For anyone new to guns reading it, my advice to save money is to keep things simple. A Glock 17 and spare mags. Don’t waste time and money “plinking”. I wasted many days and thousands of USD just punching holes into paper and not actually learning. I know it sounds counterintuitive but the best thing to do to save money is sign up to a good defensive shooting class and stick to practicing what you learn there. That’s far better than shooting 50 rounds any given weekend for years, never learning anything.
As for precious metals, it sure isnt a priority but it does make sense and it can also be a lot of fun to learn about them. Most countries had silver coins in circulation at some point and that is your “de facto” junk silver. Shopping around you’re likely to find a few around for little over spot price. Personally, I like doing the research, learn about different coins, their value and history.
Also regarding politics and the media, I do believe they have an important role in our life and it can affect us for better or worse. I try to be balanced and objective. Cant say I trust most politicians in general and when it comes to the media I read both left and right outlets so as to get both sides. I also look into who owns each given media outlet. Its usually there that you see the agenda they follow.
The only thing I would add to your list would be family and friends. Socializing and networking with people. I make the effort to “work” on being a good husband and a good dad. Also try to make friends when I can. Being social, the relationship with our families, these are key not just for survival but for our quality of life and you need dedication to make it work. Same thing when it comes to friends and networking. The people you know and contacts you have are essential, not just for SHTF but also for doing well in normal times as well.
Anyway, thank you for your email and for sharing your experiences.
Kind regards,
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”
disaster preparedness,
Friday, March 15, 2019
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Tory MP says every knife sold in UK should have GPS tracker 'fitted in the handle'

MP for North Cornwall Scott Mann, the genius behind this idea.
No, this isnt a joke. This is what a British Member of Parliament is seriously proposing when he was debating UK’s “knife crime” problem.
Again, not a meth-crazed bum living under a bridge, but an elected British Tory MP, you know, the people that are supposed to be “conservatives” and “on your side”.
Tory MP says every knife sold in UK should have GPS tracker 'fitted in the handle'
Just let that sink for a minute.Scott Mann said ‘If you’re carrying it around you had better have a bloody good explanation, obvious exemptions for fishing etc,’.The proposal was suggested as a potential means of dealing with increasing levels of knife crime in the UK.
He said: “Every knife sold in the UK should have a GPS tracker fitted in the handle.”
“It’s time we had a national database like we do with guns. If you’re carrying it around you had better have a bloody good explanation, obvious exemptions for fishing etc.”
Seriously proposing a knife having a GPS attacked to it. He also wants a national database "like we do with guns".
Every single knife would cost at least 100 bucks. Every. Single. One.
You would have to CHARGE your knife.
Police would constantly be going after you every time you had a BBQ outdoors or forgot to charge your knife.
Last time I checked. People in freaking prison make shanks and knives rather easily. Whats stopping a criminal from grabbing any piece of scrap metal and making his own non-GPS registered knife?
Is this GPS knife dishwasher approved? Make that 200 USD per knife.
This man gets PAID (well north of 100,000 USD a year, plus a pile of benefits) for saying idiotic things such as these.
Again, this is coming from the Conservative (Tory) party, supposed to be the Right in United Kingdom.
Oh, he's also a brave man that wants to ban water as well since it nearly killed him once (he doesnt know how to swim)

Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
No power, no water, no hope: Lessons from Venezuela's Collapse
No power, no water, no food, people drinking from the sewer, looting and 1.37 Million Percent inflation.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”
Monday, March 11, 2019
Being alone and the impact it has on your survival rate, your health and quality of life.

Continuing with the line of thought of my post about preparedness as we grow older, I’d like to bring up another taboo subject.
Being alone.
Coming from a Latino culture, I fully understand the hesitation to even talk about something like this. You’re supposed to be tough, rugged and not complain about silly things such as feelings. Feeling lonely falls well within such category. Making matters even worse I actually do enjoy some alone time, maybe a bit too much. At last for people like me (and many in the survival community are this way) its dangerously easy to be ok with being along. In spite of all I also know perfectly well that without my wife and kids I’d be miserable.
A lot of people are very much alone, they do feel lonely and its not by choice.
Census figures show that one in 11 Americans age 50 and older lacks a spouse, partner or living child. That’s roughly eight million people in America.
The Loneliest Generation: Americans, More Than Ever, Are Aging Alone
We also know that being lonely isnt good for you, it directly impacts both your health and quality of life.
Loneliness Is as Lethal As Smoking 15 Cigarettes Per Day. Here's What You Can Do About It
What I do and would advise others to do is work at making these relationships work.
To that end, here’s my piece of advice of the day:
Work at making your marriage work. Work at having a good relationship with your kids. I’m lucky in that I have a great family and love wife and children. But I also admit it wasn’t all some lucky coincidence. I did go out there to find the right woman and didn’t settle for anyone less than what I wanted. Once I found her, I made the conscious effort to make it work, as a father and husband. We live in this screwed up, selfish and disposable society. People are just as disposable as relationships and we are told that’s the way its supposed to be. If you don’t want that to be you then act accordingly.
Work at making friends. This one is hard for me because I enjoy more being with my wife and kids than anyone else. Of course, I’m lucky in that regard (we already addressed the matter of luck when it comes to these things) but it also means I struggle a bit to get outside that circle and make friends.
I do try though, and trying enough you eventually have success. Do try to talk with people, do smile, say hi, engage in conversation. Even if it seems like silly small talk it is still social interaction that is good for you. It’s also about practicing that skill which you probably need to get better at anyway.
Just a couple things to think about people.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”
Thursday, March 7, 2019
New AK: Kalashnikov AK-203 assault rifle

Hi Fernando,
This is the new version.
What I find interesting is that after nearly 50 years of the M16 the US has finally admitted its a fatally flawed design. It is strange they just did not make an AK 47 in the USA.
Hey Steve, thanks for the link.
Nice AK. Don’t see how ergonomics are improved “dramatically” though.
Guns in the military aren’t just guns, they have a symbol and political status as well. That’s one of the reasons why the US military stuck with the M16/AR platform for so long.
I’m not much of a fan of the AR platform though. Direct GI is simply inferior to piston by allowing hot dirty gas directly back into the action of the gun. The bolt isn’t much to admire either and stripping is simple enough but there’s easier guns with less small parts to mess with.
Of course its also light, accurate, there’s tons of magazines and accessories.
In spite of not being my favourite rifle, at today’s prices the AR makes a lot of sense.
While not my first pick for SHTF (I’d rather go with an AK47 or FAL for long term) with some training on how to run it, it will do the job. Its also a good gun for when shooting 3 gun competition.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Reply: Changes in Survival & Preparedness as you Grow Older
Now that I'm older, just turned 61, this video was for me. Thank you for bringing up this delicate subject most like to avoid. Though I'm in good health, physically fit, eat right. Ect., I have noticed pronounced changes in the last few years. Namely, eyesight is less focused, slower in moving, get tired more easily and temperament.
Just the way it is! A couple of things besides those mentioned is taking supplements.
Number one is for joint health, which has glucosamine, chondroitin, some brands have additional boosters like vitamin D. It something I've taken for decades, start young, pays dividends later on. Yes, exercise is critical, move around and stretch!
For me, light yoga and minimum walk at least one hour a day (3miles).
A little trot run to speed it up for a hour is better.
I've read we age in spurts, so be prepared for a lot of change in a short time frame. We don't like to face it but when the hair gets sparse on top of the head and your eyelids droop so it affects your eyesight, one is forced to deal with the change. In my case, preparing for the day when I have to get an eyelids lift procedure.
Being without children, I will have to create an extended family. Translation, perhaps again going back to sharing a resident. That means being active maybe in church religious, social clubs ect.
Oh, thumbs up for the recommendation on DOGS...important, yes the are excellent security measure and company.
Lastly, it can really suck getting old, so learn how to keep a smile on your face!
I read amateur runners in a long distance run preformed better when they smiled while doing it!
Attitude works wonders.
Thanks again and looking to reading your next book, Ferfal.
Thanks, thank you for your honesty and observations.
Yes, attitude is essential in all stages of life but it seems to be even more so the older we grow. You just have to stay positive and active. Some of the older people I admire the most work harder than many that are ¼ their age. There’s some 80 year olds out there that wake up every morning excited about the day ahead of them and that makes all the difference in the world.
Sharing residency sounds like a very good idea. Not sure how it works but I see how splitting bills between two or three people helps a lot. You also have other people for company, help one another and think of ways of staying busy. We often complain about other people and prefer to be alone (I know I do) but at the end of the day we are social creatures and not meant to be alone.
Take care and good luck!
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”
disaster preparedness,
Monday, March 4, 2019
Changes in Survival & Preparedness as you Grow Older
Not a cool flashy video but a relevant one for many of you out there.
I feel this one went well.
How preparedness and survival changes as we grow older. Not as fast any more, not as strong, how some things change regarding self defense. What supplies you want to stock up.
Leave a comment below and let me know if you can think of others ways in which preparedness changes as you grow older.
I feel this one went well.
How preparedness and survival changes as we grow older. Not as fast any more, not as strong, how some things change regarding self defense. What supplies you want to stock up.
Leave a comment below and let me know if you can think of others ways in which preparedness changes as you grow older.
disaster preparedness,
Friday, March 1, 2019
DIY: Home-made High visibility sights
Very simple tip on making that front sight more visible.
Sure, get proper high visibility sights with tritium for your main carry gun, go with these if you can:

But if you want to try something that costs next to nothing then give this a try. Especially if you have several guns, backups and you don’t want to be spending a lot of money on getting fancy $100 sights for each.
In my case it was more about not modifying my revolver. My Manurhin MR73 is a work of art of a firearm and I’m not about to mess with it. But the target style sights are honestly hard to see in low light conditions with that black front post.
This is how it compared to the orange front sight on my Colt Python (left) and my home made one on my MR73 on the right:
This DIY High viz project is very easy. Follow the steps and watch the video.
1) Clean the front sight with rubbing alcohol
2) Tape around the area you plan on painting
3) Start with a base layer of white nail polish. You could give it a go with liquid paper if nothing else. Keep in mind that with nail polish you’ll need about three or four layers to have a good white foundation.
4) Paint on top with bright orange fluorescent nail polish. The brighter the better. There’s dedicated glow in the dark orange paint ($9) for this called GLOW-ON Orange Super Phosphorescent Gun Night Sights Paint.
5) Final step, once everything is dry use a coat or two of super glue. This will make the painted area far more resistant to chipping, holster wear and easier to keep clean.
6) Remove the tape. You may want to cut with a razor or xacto blade next to the tape, so as to not pull off the paint along with it.
That’s it. Give it a try. If you don’t like it its easy enough to clean everything up and leave it as it was before or give it another try.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”
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