Thursday, August 29, 2019
Monday, August 26, 2019
63 year old man stabs 220 pound mountain lion to death while falling off a cliff.
“I wasn’t scared” said Vicente Navarrete, from Rio Negro, Argentina. “It was him or me”.
After stabbing the puma with his knife a few times to save his dog Pico, Vicente improvised a spear and went after the big cat, chased it to a cave. He stabbed the wild animal and hit it with his iron boleadoras (bolas). The animal went down but as VIcente got closer it jumped back up and attacked him. As he kept fighting the animal they both fell off a cliff. Vicente was severely wounded, bleeding in several places and his wrist was broken where the mountain lion bit him.
When the puma final bled out, he asked the animal “are you dead yet?”. Then proceeded to apply a tourniquet using his boleadoras. About 10 hours later he was finally found and rescued.
This is the picture the rescue crew took of Vicente, holding his knife. That's a big, well used knife people! No 3" wood carving neck knife? Obviously he knows nothing about bushcrafting and real survival. Some youtube expert needs to explain to this man that you dont need a big Rambo knife for real survival tasks such as making feather sticks and carving fancy bowls and spoons.

And the dead puma.

That’s one tough 63 year old folks. Vicente said he usually carries a gun but this time he went to check things out without it.
It’s always the day you leave your tools behind that you end up needing them.
Check out my new Book “Street Survival Skills” available in Amazon!
Friday, August 23, 2019
Failed kidnapping attempt: Preparing one's Children to Defend Themselves
Hi Ferfal,
This last Saturday, my nine year old daughter decided to go for a run around the neighborhood. (We have lived here for three years and know all of our neighbors.) My wife and I allowed her to go as we believe as parents it is in the interests of our children for them to learn to be independent with guidance. We asked her to take some pepper spray with her, which she thankfully did. We have talked and practiced various safety drills, including against kidnappers.
While my daughter was rounding a corner, a man (stranger) came out of the tree line and grabbed her, pinning her arms down and covering her mouth. He began to drag her back to the trees. My daughter could not move her hands, but she immediately went to other options. She struggled without stopping. He turned her around to carry her over his shoulder, and when he did so, she kicked him in the knee, forcing him to partially drop her. She then freed her hand and sprayed him full in the face and ran away by a different route, and right by some neighbors who were blowing leaves.
We know this situation could have ended differently, but thanks to our practice and preparation, our daughter is with us and unharmed. She does not appear traumatized, in part, I believe, because she knew what to do and was confident in herself. She was able to keep her head and act.
Thank you for sharing your experiences with us! It is because of you and your first book that we had the spray and the idea to train our family. Your information saves lives! I hope this information can encourage/remind other parents. Thank you!
God bless!
Hello SW,
I’m so glad your daughter is safe, please send her my regards and tell her she did great!
Unfortunately these things happen more often than people assume and all we can do is prepare as well as we can.
We had another child a bit over a year ago and when my wife takes him to the park she keeps a can of Sabre Red in the stroller, both for two-legged predators but also in case of a dog attack. We sometimes focus a bit too much on guns and knives yet a can of pepper spray can be even more of a lifesaver, most of all because it can be there when you need it.
A concealed gun is great no doubt but for children, or for places or specific locations where it is not allowed OC spray can make all the difference.
What can I say, your email just made my day, knowing that I somehow played a bit of a role in keeping your child safe. Thank you!
Specifically on the topic of self-defense, I can’t emphasize enough how important OC spray is. Not only does my wife carry it in the stroller, she’s been carrying one for years in her purse. I keep one in my car’s glove compartment and there’s another big can of Sabre Red next to the house’s door in case anyone needs it. The kids know its there as well, out of sight but within easy reach just in case some gets violent at the door.
Either get it at a local store or buy it online but do get a couple. This is the size I believe is the most practical, not as small as the tiny oz ones, not as bulky as the larger can I keep by the door:

This last Saturday, my nine year old daughter decided to go for a run around the neighborhood. (We have lived here for three years and know all of our neighbors.) My wife and I allowed her to go as we believe as parents it is in the interests of our children for them to learn to be independent with guidance. We asked her to take some pepper spray with her, which she thankfully did. We have talked and practiced various safety drills, including against kidnappers.
While my daughter was rounding a corner, a man (stranger) came out of the tree line and grabbed her, pinning her arms down and covering her mouth. He began to drag her back to the trees. My daughter could not move her hands, but she immediately went to other options. She struggled without stopping. He turned her around to carry her over his shoulder, and when he did so, she kicked him in the knee, forcing him to partially drop her. She then freed her hand and sprayed him full in the face and ran away by a different route, and right by some neighbors who were blowing leaves.
We know this situation could have ended differently, but thanks to our practice and preparation, our daughter is with us and unharmed. She does not appear traumatized, in part, I believe, because she knew what to do and was confident in herself. She was able to keep her head and act.
Thank you for sharing your experiences with us! It is because of you and your first book that we had the spray and the idea to train our family. Your information saves lives! I hope this information can encourage/remind other parents. Thank you!
God bless!
Hello SW,
I’m so glad your daughter is safe, please send her my regards and tell her she did great!
Unfortunately these things happen more often than people assume and all we can do is prepare as well as we can.
We had another child a bit over a year ago and when my wife takes him to the park she keeps a can of Sabre Red in the stroller, both for two-legged predators but also in case of a dog attack. We sometimes focus a bit too much on guns and knives yet a can of pepper spray can be even more of a lifesaver, most of all because it can be there when you need it.
A concealed gun is great no doubt but for children, or for places or specific locations where it is not allowed OC spray can make all the difference.
What can I say, your email just made my day, knowing that I somehow played a bit of a role in keeping your child safe. Thank you!
Specifically on the topic of self-defense, I can’t emphasize enough how important OC spray is. Not only does my wife carry it in the stroller, she’s been carrying one for years in her purse. I keep one in my car’s glove compartment and there’s another big can of Sabre Red next to the house’s door in case anyone needs it. The kids know its there as well, out of sight but within easy reach just in case some gets violent at the door.
Either get it at a local store or buy it online but do get a couple. This is the size I believe is the most practical, not as small as the tiny oz ones, not as bulky as the larger can I keep by the door:

RED Pepper GEL - Police Strength with Flip Top for Safe
One last thing I’d like to mention is personal alarms. To be honest they’ve always caught my attention but I never carried one. I need to get a couple and try them out (I just ordered them, will review them soon). I do see how they would be great for children and women when attacked by a stronger person trying to submit them. Either attached to the belt loop or a cord around the neck and under the shirt, the last thing a predator wants is to drag a victim with an alarm literally sounding off attached to them. The articles and reviews I’ve seen are very positive s it may be worth considering. A pack of six costs 19.99 in amazon.

Of course, this has to go along with the right attitude and training. Kids learn and follow orders well when correctly motivated. Role play with them, grab them and have them fight back to escape. Practicing with frequency will prepare them much better if they ever need to escape an attacker for real.
Check out my new Book “Street Survival Skills” available in Amazon!
One last thing I’d like to mention is personal alarms. To be honest they’ve always caught my attention but I never carried one. I need to get a couple and try them out (I just ordered them, will review them soon). I do see how they would be great for children and women when attacked by a stronger person trying to submit them. Either attached to the belt loop or a cord around the neck and under the shirt, the last thing a predator wants is to drag a victim with an alarm literally sounding off attached to them. The articles and reviews I’ve seen are very positive s it may be worth considering. A pack of six costs 19.99 in amazon.

Of course, this has to go along with the right attitude and training. Kids learn and follow orders well when correctly motivated. Role play with them, grab them and have them fight back to escape. Practicing with frequency will prepare them much better if they ever need to escape an attacker for real.
Check out my new Book “Street Survival Skills” available in Amazon!
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
(Video) Killed because of his Wedding Ring
This right here is the reason why we left Argentina.
I was just talking with my wife this morning, about how we miss those get togethers with people just showing up, maybe stopping by a bakery before to grab something to have along with tea, coffee or mate. We’d stay chatting all afternoon and then why not, order a few pizzas, have dinner and stay talking with friends some more up to 2 AM. No music, no booze, just talking with friends over coffee or mate. And just as you’re saying good bye to your friends at 2AM someone says “hey, lets do an asado tomorrow” and before you know it next morning you’re driving to someone’s house or place out in the country, starting a fire and preparing an asado…which extends over to 4PM with some more coffee, tea or mate and the cycle repeats itself. That’s basically every weekend. Just hang out with friends and family.
I don’t think you have that anywhere else, that comfortable informality.
But then you have these events that are also a very real part of what life is like over there. You go pick a couple pizzas for dinner with your friends and you may as well get shot.
In this case it was Adrián Albanese, the owner of the pizza shop. 40 year old, shot in the head, leaving behind a wife and 4 month old son that will never know his father, a son they spent years trying to conceive and it finally happened for them. One day he gets robbed in his store. He gives up the money in the cash register, gives them everything, and just because he couldn’t manage to pull out his wedding ring because he was so nervous he gets shot in the head.
Ask yourself:
Will you be carrying concealed?
Are you sure about that little comfortable pocket gun you like so much?
How many rounds do you want to have for dealing with three very violent attackers?
You’re still going to carry with an empty chamber?
Take care folks.
Check out my new Book “Street Survival Skills” available in Amazon!
Friday, August 16, 2019
“Street Survival Skills” by Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre
It was nearly 10 PM when the Amazon guy finally showed up with the copies of my new book.
Until you actually see the book yourself, you worry about blank pages, terrible printing mistakes and similar disasters but no, if I may say so myself its a damn fine handsome book! ;-)
Folks, my 3rd book is finally out. It’s available in Amazon:
“Street Survival Skills: Tips, Tricks and Tactics for Modern Survival”
The proof copies where printed in Poland, the retail one was printed in Germany. Both have nice thick paper, classy mate finish cover. The cover looks gorgeous in the physical copy. I used a photo from an old military canvas satchel for the background to give it that “notebook” feeling.
The book is 99% practical skills, with a page with sketches and drawings for each point so as to explain it in greater detail. Yes, those are my drawings. No, I’m not much of an artist but I believe the sketches and drawings do explain what I’m trying to say and that’s the point. (inlcuded below)
Guys, I honestly believe it turned out quite well. It’s the book I’m the most proud of and the one my family liked the most. I believe it goes along well with my first one, explaining many of the techniques mentioned there in greater detail plus another decade of additional experience, tips and thoughts.
If you do buy it and you find that you do like it (you can always return it if you don’t ;-) ) I would greatly appreciate if you left a review reflecting that in Amazon. Takes just a couple minutes and you wouldn’t believe how much it helps.
I’m pretty tired so I’m going to bed now. Happy but tired. I’ll do a video tomorrow showing how the book looks on the inside.
Take care, and if you buy it let me know what you think about it when you have the chance.
Chapter 1: Survival Basics…………..…..……. 15
Survival Rule of Three……………..……………….16
Seven Circles of Preparedness……………..………..18
Mind and Body…………………..………....…….…20
Bugging Out……………………….………...……...22
Politics and Media…………………………..………24
Chapter 2: Awareness ……………….…....….. 27
Controlling Emotions and Body Language……….…30
Assessing Surroundings and Resources……….….….32
Suspicious Behavior………………………....………34
Awareness when Indoors…………………....………36
Estimating Distances……………………..…………38
Crowd Estimation……………………………..……40
Chapter 3: Gear…………..………………....… 43
Everyday carry Gear………………………..….……44
Shemagh, Scarf and Tie………………………..……54
Home Survival Kit………………………………….56
Car Survival Kit…………………………...…….…..58
Chapter 4: Security ……………………….…...65
Home Security……………………………….……. 66
Avoiding Scams and Frauds…………….…….…... 70
Formation when Walking……………………..……72
Safety when traveling on Foot……….……………74
Stalkers and Creeps……………….……....……….76
Safety at the ATM………………...………………78
Chapter 5: Firearms and Self-Defense….…. 81
Firearms Safety....…………………....…….…..…. 82
Handgun Grip……………………………...….… 84
How to Hold a Gun……………………...….……86
Point Shooting……………………………………88
How to Draw a Gun………..……………….……90
Drawing from Concealment…….………..……….92
Extreme Close Quarters Shooting ….…….………96
Room Clearing……………………………………98
Moving and Shooting……………………….…..…100
Using Cover……..…………………………….…..102
Gunfight Dynamics……………………..….……..104
What to do after a Shooting………..……….…….108
Force Multipliers………………………………….112
Punches and Gunshots: Reality vs Fiction……..….114
Using a Handgun as an Impact Weapon…………..116
Firearms Training…………………………..……..118
Firearms Training Tips……………………………120
Chapter 6: Bare Hand and Knife Fighting…. 125
Bare hand Fighting………………………….…….126
Self-Defense with a Knife……………………...….132
Where to Strike………………………….………...136
How to Defend Against a Knife Attack………..….138
Handgun Disarm Technique………………...…….140
Chapter 7: Improvised Weapons and Armor……… 143
Improvised Body Armor…………....….…….……..…144
Improvised Weapons………………………..…….…..146
Belt as a Weapon……………………………….…..…148
Flashlight as a Weapon………………..…....……….....150
Umbrella as a Weapon…………....................…….……152
Chair as a Weapon…………………………….….…...154
Making a Leather Coin Pouch…………….….………..156
Chapter 8: Defensive Driving………………..…….. 159
Awareness in Vehicles……………………...………….160
Ram a Vehicular Roadblock………………..………….166
How to do a Bootleg Turn and Handbrake Turn ..……168
How to do a J Turn……………………...….…………170
PIT Maneuver…………….………………………...…172
Using a Car against an Armed Attacker…………..……174
Car Ambush……………………………………..…….176
Using a Car for Cover………………………...………..178
Chapter 9: Moving, Barricade and Gaining Entry… 181
Safety Roll……………………………………..………182
Step Vault………………………………..…………….184
Jump Landing………………………………………….186
Going Over a Wall………..……………………………190
Lock Picking……………………………………...……192
Door Breaching ……………………….……...………..194
Barricade a Door……………………………….....……198
Chapter 10: Food and Cooking………………..….. 203
Start a Fire…………………………………….………..204
Filtering and Purifying Water………………...…………206
Food Storage……………………….…….……….208
Make a Can Stove…………………………...…….214
Thermos Cooking and Shopping Cart Grill……..…216
Chapter 11: First Aid and Sanitation……………… 219
First Aid and Home Remedies………………….…220
Fireman's Carry and Walk Assist ………….………226
Ranger Roll ……………………………...…….…..228
Homemade Hand Sanitizer………………..……….230
Washing Clothes……………………………..…….232
Drying Clothes………………………….…………234
Chapter 12: Improvisation and Practical skills…… 237
Power Outages…………………………………….238
Homemade Insecticide……………….……………240
Homemade Body Armor………………..…………242
Knife Sharpening…………………………………..244
Gun Cleaning………………………………………246
Gun & Ammo Modifications………………...……..248
Detecting Counterfeit Money……………...………..250
Detecting Counterfeit Silver Coins………………….252
Reality-Based Preparedness…………………………254
About the author……………………………………255
References ………………………………………….257
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Monday, August 12, 2019
Friday, August 9, 2019
Trump Tweets Support For Red Flag Laws: ‘Common Sense Things That Are Good For Everyone’
Anyone wants to bet how awful this will be? How many angry ex's, mother in laws, neighbors, coworkers, anyone that a) knows you have guns b) wants to ruin your life.Trump Tweets Support For Red Flag Laws: ‘Common Sense Things That Are Good For Everyone’
"Serious discussions are taking place between House and Senate leadership."
On Friday, President Trump reiterated his support for "meaningful background checks" when it comes to potentially dangerous people obtaining firearms. He also invited staunch Second Amendment supporters to join him in crafting the necessary legislation.
All they have to do is pick up the phone and say they fear you could be violent/unstable.
Done! Cops will show up and demand that you surrender your guns, and you better comply or else...
This is just a terrible, terrible idea and it will not stop any mass shootings.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”
Vietnam War Booby Taps
I came across this website a few days ago, worth visiting.
Before anything else, there's a good chance doing any of this may be illegal, even in your own property so do check your local laws. Having said that... wow! those guys would come up with some nasty stuff.

Before anything else, there's a good chance doing any of this may be illegal, even in your own property so do check your local laws. Having said that... wow! those guys would come up with some nasty stuff.

Monday, August 5, 2019
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