Best Sellers in Amazon. For under 40 bucks, I just don’t think you can beat them. Not many products get over 10.000 reviews, a 4.5 star average. I was about to get some fancy Peltors but after seeing these and such overwhelming positive feedback I went for these instead.
I got a couple, one for myself and another for my oldest son that is now shooting with me. Hearing is just too important, and it makes no sense for any avid shooter not to have a quality set of earmuffs.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”.
My wife and I each have a pair of these.
Unfortunately, they simply do not reduce the noise level enough by themselves; it seems we need to wear ear plugs underneath. Not really an issue, as that is easily enough accomplished.
I upgraded to the much more expensive Peltors; their limiting attribute is the size of the earcups makes a proper cheek-weld against a rifle stock near impossible.
Yep... I've had mine for years. Haven't replaced the battery yet!
Yep... I've had mine for years. Haven't replaced the battery yet!
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