In case you haven’t heard, there was another terrorist attack today in London, leaving behind five dead so far and 40 injured. Not much details yet but apparently an SUV was used to plow people and a police officer was stabbed to death.
A few thoughts:
1)Be prepared. Carrying an EDC bag with Celox gauze and tourniquet may seem excessive.. that is until you’re bleeding to death on the sidewalk.
2)As for strategic relocation, it’s yet again another main capital that got hit. NY, London, Paris. Im not saying don’t go there, just be a little extra careful and if possible don’t live in key terrorist target locations.
3)Awareness. When I lived in Buenos Aires I made sure not to wear any headphones. In places with such high crime you need all your senses. Listen to screams, quick footsteps behind you, speeding cars, even shots. In this case a speeding car may have been heard, and someone listening to music may have been completely unaware of it until it was too late.
4)A machine that weights half a ton or more and can move at +100mph can be a terrible weapon. We’ve seen it before with even worse results and we’re likely to see it again. A car, let a lone a truck, in a crowded area can be devastating.
5) The ISIS terrorist magazine “Inspire” tells its followers to do attacks exactly like these. Grab a big car and just plow people. Its easy, simple and any fool can take numerous innocent lives with this kind of attack. It’s reasonable to expect more of these kind of attacks in key western cities.
6)Not pointing any fingers at anyone, or yes maybe I am, but why is it that when terrorist attacks occur there’s always a “religion of peace” representative involved? Just saying.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”.
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