For those that think you’ll be able to remain safe in an isolated homestead while surrounded by vicious animals, think again: African farmer's wife, 45, relives the horrific moment a gunman raped her in front of her children after shooting his way into their home, molesting her daughter and forcing her into sex by threatening to kill her son
A South African mother was put through a 'living nightmare' by a rapist who held a gun to her children's head to force her into sex.
Nicky, 45, was raped in front of her children by 32-year-old Sebenzile Simane - who also sexually molested his victim's daughter after shooting his way into the farm house.
Simane, who also tied the family up and stole their money, was handed two life sentences and a total of 173 years in prison after he was found guilty of the string of violent crimes in South Africa's Eastern Cape.
The white-washed £1.3million farmhouse - set in nearly 1,000 acres of land - had belonged to the family for a century and Nicky's two sons, aged nine and 15, and her 13-year-old daughter had been brought up there.
But Simane apparently felt he had been wronged by Nicky's farmer husband and came seeking deadly revenge on the family.
The family home was so remote that their nearest neighbour was a mile away and did not hear the gunshots at the home.
After surviving the horrific ordeal the family is now planning to move to Australia to set up a new farm there.
Campaign group AfriForum says that Afrikaner and European farmers are under daily attack in the country.
Sebenzile Simane, pictured has been given two life sentences for the string of violent crimes in March last year.
Describing what happened on March 23, 2018, Nicky said a stream of bullets came blasting through the patio door, narrowly missing her 15-year-old son's head.
Nicky said: 'With the bullets smashing through the windows I can only describe our feeling as being hunted like wild animals.
He shot his way through a sliding patio door to get in. 'What followed I can only describe as four hours of pure hell – just sick torture and depravity,' Nicky said.
'He held the gun to my nine-year-old son's head and threatened to shoot him unless I complied.
'I told my little one to be quiet or else this man would kill us. All I saw were his silent tears rolling down his little cheeks for the next four hours. The sight of that will be with me forever.
'He tied us all up with fencing wire so tight that our hands lost their circulation and turned grey.
'He shouted at my children that he was there to kill their father and that he would chop him up in front of them. He said that when he came through the door they would watch him butchered. He then repeatedly threatened to shoot my eldest son's feet off if he didn't obey him and then ordered him to rape me. I had never heard such a sick thing before and was totally mortified.
All I could do was beg him not to make my son do that. He just kept pointing the gun at my son's feet and saying he would shoot them unless he raped his mum in front of his brother and sister.
The white-washed £1.3million farmhouse - set in nearly 1,000 acres of land - had belonged to the family for a century
'I begged and pleaded with him not to do this and to take me to another room and take me instead.'
Explaining what happened next, she said: 'He grabbed me and forced me to my bedroom and raped me there. There was blood everywhere as I had already been badly shot. I could do nothing as my hands were tied behind my back.
'He then brought my 13-year-old daughter to the bedroom, undressed her and attempted to rape her. He was sexually molesting her and all I could do was beg for mercy and to take me again.
'So instead of raping her he forced my beautiful innocent daughter to watch as he raped me again.
'I cannot describe the anger this man displayed toward us and I knew as he raped me that if my children had any chance of survival I had to get this man away from them and the farm house.
'You don't care about yourself - you just don't want your children to die and you do all you can.'
Describing how she finally shook the man off, she said: 'He had tried to start our car outside but couldn't get it going so in a bid to buy my family time I told him to take my bank cards and pin numbers and to let me drive him to town to the ATM.
People, enjoy life, live where you want and how you want but don’t kid yourself about what a worst case scenario would be like.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”
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