
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Survival Prybar: 7 Uses During Disasters & Emergencies


Steve said...

If our water supply is cut off we will perish.  You cannot go more than 5-7 days without water before you have serious damaging complications (then probably die). If our water supply was cut off where would we get water from? You can harness water from the air.  Remember the “de-humidifiers” from the past, same principle. I am benefitting and collecting my own water from this system  https://bit.ly/2y1D7Hvwaterfreedomsystem

Unknown said...

Hi Fernando. Hi to all of you. Yes I prybar is important in your equipment thats why I was searching for alternatives beside Tomahawks.
There is one company in Europe called euro-security. Checkt their site. They sell Esp batons for zelf defense. They are of exeptionally quality. With these you get the chance to atrach other items to the baton. There are two tools that can work as a prybar to open doors and cars. I think that its a very good option in a survival or rescue situation plus you have a selfdefense tool. Kind regards