
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Fire in Portugal: More than 60 Dead, some trapped in their Cars while Escaping

Según la Autoridad Nacional de Protección Civil portuguesa, que monitoriza en su página web en tiempo real la evolución de los incendios, 117 fuegos arden en el país este jueves a mediodía —13 de ellos de grandes dimensiones—. A las 12.30 horas había 3.682 efectivos combatiendo las llamas en Portugal, que cuentan con 1.159 vehículos terrestres y 17 aviones. En la foto, un bombero trabaja en las labores de extinción del incendio forestal que afecta a las localidades de Couto de e Cima y Couto de Baixo en la región de Viseu.
Hi there Fernando
while some people are still recovering from the aftermath of the London fire, we have witnessed right next door, the devastating effects of another terrible fire this time in Portugal.
According to the news at least 30 people died in their cars while trying to escape from the flames (probably too late).
I think this reinforces the message of how important it is to read the (get out of dodge) situation, and is better to leave and come back during a false alarm than to lose your life...
I enclose a link (in spanish) La carretera de la muerte
Hello Antonio.
Sorry for the delay in replying.
Yes, I saw the news. It’s just terrible.  This yet again goes to show: living in more isolated areas does not mean you’ll never have to bug out.
Also, know your threats. Some areas are known to be affected by wildfires, if it happened once, you can be sure it will happen again. Especially in wooded or grassy areas you have to role play the situation and imagine what you would do if it catches fire.
Watch the clip below, its just terrible.

You need a bug out plan, and a good strategy with alternative routes is crucial here.
Also car selection. I would want a truck or at least and SUV, something with AWD or 4WD so as to go off road if needed when escaping. Also a good car kit, with food, water and clothes, especially good shoes for walking.
Above all, staying informed and taking action. I believe that in this case reacting in time would have been the difference between life and death.
Yet again it’s always easy when you’re not the one trapped in that inferno and you only read the news after it happened.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Fernando,

thanks very much for your reply to my email. Have a nice day!!