Great blog! I enjoy all of your updates.
Wondering if you have any opinions on a good security camera. I was
looking for a “search” function on your site to see if you’ve covered
this before, but couldn’t find one. Any insight you have would be
appreciated! Thanks!
Hi Tom,
The Zmodo Surveillance kit includes 4 night cameras, 4G phone and internet access, motion detection activation and 500GB storage. Its ranking #1 in Amazon with pretty good reviews so I’d go for something like that. These days cameras are as much of a deterrent as an alarm, maybe even more. The alarm is still essential, but at the end of the day when the alarm goes off you only know someone broke into your house but you have no evidence of who it was. With motion detecting cameras you get notified of the activity as well as keep ID of who it was, that’s a powerful resource. Whatever it is that you buy, its important to get notifications on your phone so as to know what going on when you’re not home.
For larger properties I would also look into installing some exterior motion detectors.For 40 buck they arent that expensive and even having just one in your driveway would given you crucial warning time.
Chamberlain CWA2000 Wireless Motion Alert System
Fernado how useful would this be for american doors in your opinion?
Door Stopper – Resists Over Two Tons of Force – Protect Your Home with the Club
Hey Jim,
It sure would add to the security of the door given that you basically add another point of contact, one that is also pretty sturdy, stronger than most door locks in use. It’s a pretty simple device but for the money it will make the door much harder to kick open. Keep in mind though that the door itself is the key weak point. A hollow core wooden door will break before the stopper does. If you combine this with a strong metal door you can have some pretty good results. Back in Argentina my door was an armored, custom made door, locking on all four sides. That can get pretty expensive but it provides the best protection. For good results on a budget, metal doors are a good option. Even the ones that aren’t specifically armored security doors can take a beating and still hold strong.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”.
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