Hi FerFal. do you still cary your messenger every day now that you'reThings are very different compared to Argentina. Ireland is of course much safer. Chances of the average person getting shot are slim to say the least, while in Buenos Aires that happens every day. Then there’s the weather. It rains all the time so gear has to be waterproof. My canvas bags and satchels stay mostly home these days.
living in ireland? and have you changed the contents toward less heavy
duty survival? thanks. Peter
In Buenos Aires I used to walk a lot more. I would move around using buses, train and subways a lot more. Now, I mostly use my car which means I have many of the things I would normally carry in the messenger bag already in it. In my car I have a good first aid kit, plenty of water, spare clothes and other gear.

Having said that, if I’m walking around town or traveling using public transportation (pic above, traveling by train), these days I’m likely to carry my North Face Base camp messenger bag. Mine is a bit older than the newer edition pictured below. On loner trips I’ll have one of my Wenger backpacks with more gear in it.
In the North face Messenger bag I will have:
*a bottle of water (I use and recommend stainless steel bottle)
*first aid kit
*survival emergency kit with emergency blankets for shelter, rain poncho, collapsible respirator and survival kit tin
*hand sanitizer
*tissue paper
*some cordage
*leather pouch with my keys
This is of course not taking into account what I already carry in my pockets and person: Wallet, phone, pocket knife, multitool, flashlight. On most days when I’m not carrying a bag and just driving, I’ll have my house keys in the leather pouch in my pant’s pocket.
There’s nothing really out of the ordinary in it, and the contents of my bag will change as times goes by, depending on personal circumstances and even geographic location.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”.
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