reading today about “Fast and Furious” actor Paul Walker’s death this
was the first thing that came to mind, the first thing I thought of.

I came across this picture some time ago while researching the earthquake in Chile. Walker founded an organization called Reach Out WorldWide (ROWW),
dedicated to helping those affected by disasters. They helped in Chile,
Haiti, Philippines as well as disasters in USA. He did his best to help
others. If everyone did a little bit more of that the world would be a
much better place.
May he rest in peace.
Sorry, screaming about at 100mph on public roads with a 35mph speed limit does not make him a nice guy.
Liking fast cars makes him human, but I dont even think he was the one drivng. What makes him a nice guy was that he did a lot to help those affected by disasters.
The government says don't drink. don't smoke, don't drive fast. In other words live like you're already dead.
I say DO IT ALL....
One mistake doesn't make him not nice. All of us make mistakes but I don't think we would consider ourselves bad because of that. What makes Paul Walker nice is that he did something good to others that others don't do.
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