- After BnL took over the goverment, the BnL logo was added in the flags of countries around the world.
What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen? Psycho? The Ring? Hostel?
Mine’s Wall-E. Yes, Wall-E creeps the hell out of me and it’s because of “BnL”. In Pixar's movie, “Buy n Large” is the company that made Wall-E and basically destroyed the world and controls humanity.
This is from Pixar wikia, explaining the idea behind the fictional BnL Company:
Andrew Stanton, in a commentary on the WALL•E DVD, stated his inspirations for Buy n Large were large corporations and how some people let consumerism govern how they run their lives. He stated that the people at Pixar had always pictured WALL•E as "a trash compactor" when the idea for the movie was first discussed. He reversed-engineered the idea on why WALL•E was cleaning up the planet and why the Earth was covered in trash and the idea of what if a company was the government.If there’s one thing we have to be careful about in the future is the power corporations have over the people. It certainly has been growing at an alarming rate and it keeps getting worse. I don’t think there has ever been a greater threat to freedom throughout history as there is now. I’m literally scared of a “Wall-E” future, where the entire human race is under the thumb of a handful of “Buy n Large” corporations. Corporations no one voted for, yet have more power than any representative, from senators to presidents, could ever dream of.
I don’t have much of an opinion either way regarding the Religious Freedom law. I like the idea of people having the freedom to exercise their religion as long as those rights end where other people’s rights begin. At the end of the day, I think the people of Arkansas or Indiana have the right to vote anyway they want regarding both laws and their representatives.
What I do find very interesting is how quickly corporations no longer sneak into the debate, but kick the door down, burst inside and dictate which laws they accept and which ones they don’t.
Notice how CNN warns us that some corporations are upset!
Careful folks! Walmart CEO Doug McMillon says the Religious Freedom Law “Does not reflect the values we proudly uphold” and directly asked Gov. Asa Hutchinson to veto the bill. First, I was surprised to learn that Walmart has “values” at all. That’s interesting. I thought it was a corporation simply looking to make as much profit as possible as their one and only “value”.
How about Apple CEO Tim Cook threatening saying the law he doesn’t approve of is “very dangerous” and “will hurt jobs and growth”. Sounds more like a threat, coming from Apple’s CEO.
Even more important though, why should we care either way about Walmart’s “values” and why does they have a right to go from the private business sector into dictating laws that address people’s religious beliefs? When was exactly Walmart’s or Apple’s CEO voted into representing any percentage of the population?
Since when does Walmart order States to veto laws they don’t like? Again, when was Walmart elected to represent anyone?
Corporations already have a lot more power than they should. We should not allow them to indirectly, let alone directly dictate which laws we can have or not.
Walmart’s CEO has a right to an opinion, sure he does, what he does not have is a right to use his economic power as extortion to change democratically voted laws he does not agree with, and this is exactly what several companies are openly admitting to.
I have this crazy new idea: How about corporations stick to running their businesses within the law, rather than trying to change the laws, and leave laws to elected law makers and representatives.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”.
I used to read a series of books called Deathlands. It was about a future, post nuclear war, where a handful of people wandered around and encountered mutants, cannibals, and "fiefdoms" run by despots.
One of the books, "Shadow World", was where an alternate world was taken over by several corporations. They'd had no war, but had managed to destroy the planet. A "consumer rebellion" against mandatory consumption was crushed by the corporation's private armies. Several of the characters were former military, and had tattoos featuring the motto "Buy or Die".
The goal was to get a few of the elite over to the largely uninhabited, virtually technologically naked side the book's characters inhabit...to start over and likely ruin it.
I haven't read those books in a while, they were entertaining, but at a certain point they quit interesting me to buy new ones.
"Buy Or Die". Because in the book, the people wanted to be able to save more than, I think it was 1% of their pay, and the mandate was spend 99%.
Corporations and government are similar, in terms of potential for abuse and evil.
I think population growth is what is a huge problem. Where do all the new poeple live ? What will they eat ? Where will they work ?
The U.S. population in 1960 was approximately 180 million - its now 322 million (55 years). Same territory, only twice as many people living here. And its quickly gaining momentum - zero population growth was bypassed a long time ago.
Super!!! This will continue until people decide to vote with their pocketbooks and shop where corporations take care of customer service and keep out of politics. Corporations are in business to make a profit for their share holders not tell people how to live their lives by parroting whatever politically correct dogma is accepted at the time.
Money is power. Shouldn't be surprising that organizations with so much money are exercising the power which comes with it.
Don't like it? Don't give them your money. Shop somewhere else.
It is people like you and me that have given the corporations their enormous power. We can't control whether or not they will abuse that power, but we can do our tiny part to stop financing it. The question that needs to be asked is 'How do I wean myself from the corporations' milk?'
We are very close to the point where companies like Amazon could operate on a daily basis with no human employees. Compters ordering goods, robots stacking, sorting and shipping. Soon manufacturing will have the same capacity. On the bright side 3D printing might make us the free people we always wanted to be.
How are they different from unions? I dont vote for union leadership or policies, but they seem to have a huge influence over government policy and laws. They seem to be able to force through rules the rest of us non-union peoledont find acceptable.
On one side is a bunch of rich guys commanding billions of dollars and thousands of people and well-connected in the power circles.
On the other side is a minority of small business owners - florists, chapel owners, catering and baking services - who just want to follow their own conscience and control of their own property as they have a right to.
These religious people are not going out of their way to offend anyone. On the other side, there are many organized LGBT activists targeting those small business owners.
Isn't it a provocation for a person to go to a business knowing that the owner follows a certain religion (most of the time they display it prominently crosses and Bible verses on their cards and displays) and order them to provide service at a gay ceremony?
Thank you Ferfal,
Here is an article about Warren Buffet's empires that take advantage of the hard working poor
When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators.
P. J. O'Rourke
US humorist & political commentator (1947 - )
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