Hi Fernando,
I was very touched that you wrote back to me and also published my email on your blog.
also really enjoyed your analysis of the survival situation in Ukraine,
especially breaking apart the finer points and details about how even
wearing the wrong color jacket or shoes can signal a person out for
interrogation and possibly death and how to manage the cell phone
I have a question for you; there is a wide scale military "drill" thats been making news here in the US called Jade Helm 15.
wonder if you would be willing to give us some of your thoughts on
this, and/or realistic "preps" for the various scenarios people think
might happen?
Some people are
extremely concerned that its not a drill, and will be an integration of
widespread martial law, possibly coinciding with a financial crisis.
people think its a drill that is meant to habituate the US population
to martial law, and others think its exactly what the official statement
says it is; a training exercise to help our forces prepare for
on-the-ground situations in foreign nations.
the most minimum level, what concerns me the is that the United States
has both laws and traditions where utilizing civilian areas for drills
and training exercises isn't really cool.
In the U.S we have, or used to have, a very clear distinction between military and civilian law enforcement, and we even have a separate thing
called the National Guard so that when something happens that is too
big for local law enforcement or disaster services to handle (like
riots, or a big tornado), we have the necessary support and specialized
equipment to deal with those situations without utilizing the
military. The guys who set up this country initially were pretty darn
smart and wanted to do everything possible to ensure that our military
was never used on our against our own citizens or on our land, as they
knew how easily that turns into a coup.
Here are a few different links in case you have not yet heard of it.
All the best,
Hi Angela,
You address several interesting topics.
About police militarization, I do believe it has been going on for far too long and in the last decade or so (more like last two decades) it has gotten a lot worse.
It’s not just police using military clothing, but also military weapons and military tactics. It was disgraceful to see military-grade snipers sitting on top of armored vehicles taking aim at the (peaceful) protesters through their rifle’s scope. Exactly what were they supposed to do now? Attack the population with “sniper” fire?
You address several interesting topics.
About police militarization, I do believe it has been going on for far too long and in the last decade or so (more like last two decades) it has gotten a lot worse.
It’s not just police using military clothing, but also military weapons and military tactics. It was disgraceful to see military-grade snipers sitting on top of armored vehicles taking aim at the (peaceful) protesters through their rifle’s scope. Exactly what were they supposed to do now? Attack the population with “sniper” fire?
Many current officers have served in the military, the distinction between military and civilian is already complicated enough. When you have guys that are already more soldier than cops, you dress them up as soldiers, give them soldier weapons and talk to them like soldiers, organize them like soldiers, and even put them inside armored vehicles, it’s not hard to see how they will act.

Now, some people may think this is good, that more “firepower” stops crime better and keeps streets safer. No, it does not. The role of a police officer is completely different from the one of a soldier. If you end up with “peace officers” that for all practical purposes are soldiers rather than cops, then you no longer have a democracy. We need to go back to having police, not troops with a “police” Velcro stuck on their body armor.
Regarding Jade Helm 15, I think there’s a bit of conspiracy theory going on but there’s some truth to some of the claims as well. It is true that people do get used to it if they see troops on the street on regular basis, which is something the military is interested in because it will reduce the friction with civilian society when deployed on domestic ground. It is also true that drills are intended as practice, and if they are practicing locally it would help if troops need to be deployed on US soil. Is it all precisely in preparation of riots after a potential economic collapse? Maybe, but then again, it is also valid in case of deployment due to a number of other potential reasons.
As of right now, I think its important to a)Keep law enforcement within its role, don’t’ allow its militarization under any excuse, don’t let cops turn into soldiers 2) Not allow the same the other way around, don’t let troops patrol, secure the streets, and basically do the job intended for police officers.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”.
I believe that Jade Helm is just another military training event. By next September no one will have anything to say about it because nothing will have happened as a result of it. If I'm wrong and they somehow manage to put all 330 million of us into FEMA camps then I will admit I'm wrong. But I would bet dollars to doughnuts that all the scare mongers will refuse to admit they were wrong if nothing happens.
"At the most minimum level, what concerns me the is that the United States has both laws and traditions where utilizing civilian areas for drills and training exercises isn't really cool."
This is simply untrue. The U.S. Special Operations community has been training in civilian areas for many decades. The Robin Sage exercise that serves as the culmination of the Special Forces Qualification Course has been held in central North Carolina for over 40 years. While Robin Sage is the best known, there are many other, smaller, training exercises happening on a pretty much continuous basis. This sort of thing is neither new nor exceptional.
I agree FerFal, but I need to laugh at your first photo, which you probably lifted from some conspiracy site, because I think you might know guns better than to make the caption on it "Mega AR-15, chambered in 7.62"
If an AR is chambered in 7.62x51 NATO (about the same as .308), it's an AR-10... and I've never heard of a "Mega" AR-15. (Maybe it becomes "mega" if you put a bunch of tacticool accessories on it to weigh it down?)
"We need to go back to having police, not troops with a “police” Velcro stuck on their body armor."
Well, it's definitely debatable whether "we" need police at all. But yeah, the ruling class certainly can't do without them.
"It is also true that drills are intended as practice, and if they are practicing locally it would help if troops need to be deployed on US soil. Is it all precisely in preparation of riots after a potential economic collapse? Maybe, but then again, it is also valid in case of deployment due to a number of other potential reasons."
It would be nice if all US troops were on US soil, you know, protecting us from invaders, such as those nasty Canadians - rather than occupying foreign countries. But then we wouldn't need very many of them, because who is going to invade a country with 300 million firearms?
But anyone can see that they won't be deployed against any foreign invader. Ordinary Americans will be in their sights.
Could be 7.62x39.
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