
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Make your own “Kibble for Humans” in 3 Easy Steps

Well, turns out they DO make kibble for humans. Seems there’s an entire market of “superfoods”, non-GMO, animal free, dairy free food that tastes awful but provides all the nutrients you need and none of the things you want to avoid.

Garden of Life RAW seem to be the best-selling one, but there are other products as well such as The Ultimate Life – The Ultimate Meal and the ridiculously expensive Soylent.
I imagine it can get as boring as hell but I do like the idea of just incorporating fuel to the body, premium fuel at that. The problem I see besides what seems to be an extremely nasty taste (that I can live with) is how ridiculously expensive they are. If they had a good product for a reasonable price then I’d be more interested. For the meantime, I’m sticking with my version of kibble for humans: rice+lentils + veggies.
Its actually pretty simple:

Aroma 8-Cup (Cooked) Digital Rice Cooker and Food Steamer, Stainless Steel $26.97

1)Get the following: A Rice cooker, lentils, basmati rice, vegetables.
2)Throw the ingredients in the cooker along with the amount of water that your cooker’s manual indicated. 4 cups of water for 1 cup of rice is about right.
3)Relax and wait until dinner is ready! Many of these cookers have an automatic off function. It takes a bit getting used to but you eventually get the hang of it.
The rice cooker won’t have a problem with anything else you put in there as long as it requires similar or less cooking than rice. Lentils cook in about the same time as rice. Beans may require an extra cup of water so as to cook a bit longer but its worth trying. Vegetables are not a problem.

 We’ve been eating this way for months now for one of our meals per day, usually lunch, and so far we are happy with the results. It’s simple, healthy, and rice gives you a good foundation to work with. You can try different combinations, different vegetables, beans, different spices, etc.
It also works great for both winter and summer. For winter meals eat as soon as its done for a nice warm meal. Try sprinkling a bit of cheese which will melt on top of the hot rice as soon as you serve it. For summer meals you can serve and let the rice cool for a cold light dish, maybe served with tuna and sprinkled with lime.
Folks, just a few more ideas. Rice and lentils sure have a place on your preparedness plans but you can start eating (and stockpiling) now.

Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”.


Unknown said...

How many cups of each did you use and how many people can this feed if you have 4 cup cooker? Are you using the 8 cup cooker?

Anonymous said...

Google "famine chow" it is a recipe used by NGO's in Africa to feed people in famines. It is complete food and claims to be good to eat.

I like the idea of rice & beans or rice and lentils but it lacks the robustness of real food. Many ethnic groups have enhanced the flavor with spices most notably chili. But what really does it for me is simply meat. The meat builds it's own broth and taste into the meal.

Sam said...

I've stockpiled parboiled rice. It doesn't spoil as easy as whole rice and contains a large part of the vitamins. I actually like it. Taste like white rice to me. I mostly just keep for disaster though as I have 400 lbs. and can't eat that much. It should store for a long time though. Also have red beans and all kinds of lentils to go along.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this idea! I have been trying to simplify things because I am disabled, and this was easy, nutritious, inexpensive, and surprisingly delicious--I had two helpings! Just discovered your website & am learning so much...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this idea! I have been trying to simplify things because I am disabled, and this was easy, nutritious, inexpensive, and surprisingly delicious--I had two helpings! Just discovered your website & am learning so much...